Long before his untimely passing in a car crash at age 24, James Dean confided to his close friend Eartha Kitt about his deepening unhappiness in Hollywood. The two actors formed a strong bond, with Dean trusting Kitt enough to open up about his struggles with fame. In an eerie foreshadowing, Kitt later said she “knew he was gone before they told me” about his death. Kitt and Dean connected after he saw her perform on stage and asked her to teach him to move with her fluidity. 

What Specifically Troubled James Dean About Hollywood?

James Dean via Warner Bros.
James Dean via Warner Bros.

Kitt and Dean began spending time together, during which Dean would share his mounting discontentment in the movie business.

As per Fascinating, according to Eartha Kitt, “He didn’t like Hollywood, because he found fame, the way he was being treated as a business, as a piece of flesh, a thing. It was not becoming beautiful to him anymore.”

As an iconoclastic method actor, Dean chafed at the commercial side of filmmaking. Kitt said he saw himself turned into a product, no longer viewed as a person. This loss of agency and identity left Dean deeply unsettled.

Also Read: James Dean’s Signed Warner Bros. Contract That Defined His Career Made Thousands Of Bucks Years After His Tragic Fate

In their final encounter before his fatal crash in September 1955, Kitt immediately recognized something was very wrong with her friend.

As she later described, “He was there… but he wasn’t there. I knew he was gone before they told me he has passed — he just wasn’t there.”

James Dean - Rebel Without a Cause
James Dean – Rebel Without a Cause

Though only 24, the gifted but anguished Dean seemed to Kitt to have already disconnected from the world. Her haunting words proved prophetic when mere days later, Dean perished in a violent car wreck while driving his Porsche Spyder.

Also Read: “He would sleep with anybody to get ahead”: Did James Dean Sleep With Both Men And Women For Hollywood Success?

Did Hollywood Life Contribute to James Dean’s Downfall?

James Dean
James Dean

While the exact circumstances of his death remain debated, Kitt’s recollection underscores the intense pressures Dean faced and his growing detachment from life.

For an actor so passionate about his craft, Hollywood’s commercial machinery profoundly conflicted Dean. Kitt believed the business he loved also contributed to the despair that ultimately consumed him.

Also Read: Badass James Dean Refused Using a Prop, Got Multiple Injuries in Switchblade Fight in $4.5M Movie

Though his career only spanned five years, Dean’s entrancing talent and offbeat charisma in films like Rebel Without a Cause left an indelible mark. Yet even then, Kitt sensed her dear friend slipping away, disheartened by the darker side of fame. Rebel Without a Cause is available on Amazon Prime. 

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