The animated adaptation of the highly popular cult classic gothic horror game, Castlevania, has become beloved by anime fans across the world. The story writing as well as the fight scenes in the series is greatly detailed and brings justice to what the original games had in store for fans. However, none of it would’ve worked if not for the intricate structuring of the characters in the series.

Castlevania has provided fans with some characters that have just managed to live rent-free in the minds of viewers. And fortunately, the producers of the show experienced the same feelings as the people who watched the show. During an interview, he revealed the story arc and character, which turned out to be his favorite in the show.

Castlevania Producer shines an unexpected light on a story arc that many believe to be tragic

Isaac in Castlevania (Via. Powerhouse Studio)
Isaac in Castlevania (Via. Powerhouse Studio)

During an interview with /Film, Castlevania producer, Kevin Kolde made a surprising revelation about the Story Arc and the character he enjoyed the most in the show. And to everyone’s surprise, Kolde claimed that the fan-favorite antagonist of the show, Isaac, and his story arc, were the picks he was going with.

Isaac is one of the more tragic and complex characters in the show. In a world full of monsters, Isaac’s character is certainly one that fans could relate to. His character endured the worst that humanity could offer, yet he always manages to keep his humanity intact with him. Throughout the series, we see Isaac experience a real moral dilemma and have immense character growth. So when Kevin Kolde was asked to name his favourite character arc, he stated;

“That’s a tough one. Isaac. I think I like Isaac’s arc the best… It’s unexpected but he is my favorite. He changes. Most characters came from a place of darkness. At the end of the show, he’s one of the most hopeful and optimistic actors. He’s changed his outlook on life. It’s been great to follow him as he falls in and gains agency in the world.”

Hector and Isaac in Castlevania (Via. Powerhouse Studio)
Hector and Isaac in Castlevania (Via. Powerhouse Studio)

Powerhouse Animation Studios made sure not to cut any corners with Castlevania and it could certainly be seen by how well it was received by the viewers. The producer of the show would give tons of credit to the directors of the show for the success of the series.

Sibling directors for Castlevania receive high praise for their impeccable work in the series

Trevor Belmont in Castlevania (Via. Powerhouse Studio)
Trevor Belmont in Castlevania (Via. Powerhouse Studio)

Sam and Adam Deats, the directors of the show certainly played a massive role in the success that the Castlevania series has found. Producer Kevin Kolde during the interview explained what it was like working with the two over the span of 4 seasons of the show.

During the same interview, when asked about his experience working with the directors, Kolde said;

“They’re horrible people. I’m kidding. They’re great to work with and both are very nice, very dedicated. They are huge, huge Castlevania fans, played all the games. They’ve done an amazing job over four seasons on the show with themselves and the team they put together. Sam does a lot of design and storyboarding and Adam is more involved in animatic editing and visual effects.”

Powerhouse Animation Studios proved themselves to be an incredibly well-oiled and functional animation studio with their work in Castlevania. The sequel to the series seems to be doing just as well with fans waiting eagerly for the release of Castlevania: Nocturne season 2.

You can stream the Castlevania series on Netflix.

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