Adele’s residency shows in Vegas are often making rounds in the news. Usually, it is for those high notes and stellar performances. Along with, some hilarious crowd work and the singer’s gorgeous looks social media is abuzz with content from the concerts.

However, one clip from the concert got more traction than other videos normally do. Interestingly, it was not a great note change, nor was a new song added to the setlist. Rather, it was a fan interaction that went viral. A fan was ruining the concert for other fans and when security came in to handle the matter, Adele defended the guy.

After this video went viral, social media was ablaze with hot takes on what should or should not have been done, and how one should conduct themselves at concerts. But the fan’s response to the whole thing was quite jarring.

Adele Defended A Fan’s Misbehaviour

Adele Performing
Adele Performing

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Adele‘s concerts are seated. Her ballads are to be taken in and absorbed. Given her music primarily appeals to and is intended for middle-aged people, which is not to say she is not loved by younger generations, a seated concert serves everyone’s interests, adding to the ambiance of the event.

However, one fan was disrupting the ambiance a bit when he chose to stand throughout the concert, making it difficult for everyone else to see. Security had to be called in when a fan, named Juan Pablo refused to sit down during the concert. Many fans seated behind him requested him to do so but he did not listen. Pablo was singing along and enjoying his favorite artist to the fullest.

Security telling the fan to calm down a bit
Security telling the fan to take his seat

When security walked in to speak with him, Adele stopped mid-song to tell the security to leave him alone. The Easy on Me singer’s interactions with fans often go viral, and this one was no different.

Read More: “It felt like someone was drilling my head”: Adele Went Through Absolute Torture Because of Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms

The Fan is Not Sorry For His Actions

Juan Pablo
Juan Pablo in an Interview over Zoom

In an interview with TMZ, Juan Pablo revealed that he is not sorry for what he did. In an interview with TMZ, the fan said that he feels bad for being a hindrance to everyone else’s concert experience but he was enjoying himself to the fullest and he is not sorry for it. Saying that if others wanted and were so bothered, could have stood up too.

He was recording himself with a selfie stick throughout the show. Critics blamed him for clout-chasing. Answering such claims, he said that the video for him is a memory he wants to hold onto forever. Recording himself was an attempt to preserve the experience in real time.

Adele at the Grammys
Adele at the Grammys

Surely an inconvenience for everyone else at the concert but Pablo had an experience of a lifetime. And he got Adele’s approval.

Read More: “I’ll f***king kill you”: Adele Goes Viral After Her Angry Rant to Warn Fans for Assaulting Artists on Stage

Source: TMZ

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