• Woody Allen faces huge controversy, with many Hollywood figures distancing themselves.
  • The #MeToo movement intensified scrutiny, causing actors to regret working with Allen.
  • Still, Scarlett Johansson supported him, citing her belief in his innocence and his continued work.

The debate over famous director Woody Allen just won’t go away. Despite many in Hollywood turning their backs on him due to serious accusations, actress Scarlett Johansson openly backed Allen and stood by him in 2019. More actors are now distancing themselves from the 88-year-old director and his next movie, raising doubts about his future in Hollywood.

Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell
Scarlett Johansson as Motoko Kusanagi Ghost in the Shell (Credits: Paramount Pictures)

Actors like Timothée Chalamet and Rebecca Hall have already publicly apologized for working with Allen and donated their earnings from his film, A Rainy Day in New York, to charity. Even Kate Winslet has expressed regret over working with him and Roman Polanski, calling Hollywood’s respect for them ‘f*cking disgraceful.’ 

How Hollywood is Divided Over the Controversial Director

Woody Allen
Woody Allen (Image by Ilya Mauter, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

According to Vox, 1992, Woody Allen was accused of molesting his 7-year-old daughter, Dylan Farrow. At the time, Dylan’s adoptive mother, Mia Farrow, and Allen were in the midst of a bitter custody battle over their three children after their long-term relationship ended.

The breakup happened because Allen had a relationship with Mia’s daughter from a previous marriage to André Previn, Soon-Yi Previn. Allen and Soon-Yi got married in 1997 and have two adopted daughters.

Allen was never charged with the molestation claim, which he denies. Dylan, her mother Mia, and her brother Ronan still stand by her story. Despite this, Allen kept making movies and working with many famous stars.

When Harvey Weinstein was hit with s*xual assault claims in 2017 and other Hollywood stars faced similar accusations, Dylan’s old claims against Allen got fresh attention. This made many people rethink his image. Right after the Weinstein scandal erupted, actors who had worked with Allen started to openly regret being part of his projects.

Still, Scarlett Johansson Stood by Woody Allen

Scarlett Johansson in Match Point
Scarlett Johansson in Match Point (Credits: Paramount Pictures)

Scarlett Johansson fully supported Woody Allen. “I love Woody,” she said in interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

“I believe him, and I’d work with him anytime.”

The actress has a strong bond with Allen, having worked with him on three films, including Match Point, Scoop, and Vicky Cristina Barcelona. She continued:

I see Woody whenever I can, and I have had a lot of conversations with him about it. I have been very direct with him, and he’s very direct with me. He maintains his innocence, and I believe him. It’s hard because it’s a time where people are very fired up, and understandably. Things needed to be stirred up, and so people have a lot of passion and a lot of strong feelings and are angry, and rightfully so. It’s an intense time.

Amazon Studios cut ties with Allen, making it difficult for him to get his new movies distributed in the U.S. Despite these hurdles, Allen continued making films. Johansson understood that the situation with the allegations was tough and emotional, but she believes in Allen’s innocence.

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