Paul Sorvino passed away at the age of 83 on Monday morning in Indiana due to natural causes, as shared by his publicist Roger Neal. The actor was known for his roles in Goodfellas and Law and Order, almost a kind of niche when it came to his acting career. His wife, Dee Dee Sorvino expressed a sentimental lament on her husband’s death, “Our hearts are broken, there will never be another Paul Sorvino, he was the love of my life, and one of the greatest performers to ever grace the screen and stage”.

Paul Sorvino
Goodfellas actor Paul Sorvino passes away at 83

Also Read: “I Will Never Forget”: Martin Scorsese Regrets Not Working With Ray Liotta After ‘Goodfellas’

The real-life antagonist in reel-life mobster Paul Sorvino’s life – Harvey Weinstein

Paul Sorvino, Mira Sorvino, Harvey Weinstein
Paul Sorvino staunchly defended daughter Mira Sorvino post her #MeToo confession against Harvey Weinstein
Paul Sorvino had an illustrious career over the span of 5 decades and it is only natural to pay homage to a man of his stature. The actor almost exclusively portrayed men from morally ambiguous leanings, mobsters or people dealing with mobsters, and the like. He definitely had the personality for it, being an impressive 6’4″ in height. Although, recently the most heroic thing that the actor had done was defending his daughter and threatening her abuser, Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.
Back in 2017, a flurry of confessions under the unified flag of the #MeToo movement sought to dethrone every man with a dark past of sexual abuse and make him face the consequences of his crime irrespective of the immense power and position that he held. One of the first men against whom multiple silence were broken was Hollywood film producer, Harvey Weinstein. It was atrocious to hear the accounts against the man and the sheer number of them added to the horror.

Mira Sorvino is among the many victims of convicted sex-offender Harvey Weinstein

Mira Sorvino
Mira Sorvino broke her silence about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct
One of Weinstein’s victims was Paul Sorvino’s daughter, Mira Sorvino. In an interview with The New Yorker, Mira Sorvino shared her horrendous experience with Harvey Weinstein. She recalled how back in 1995, close to the release of Mighty Aphrodite, in a Toronto hotel room, “he started massaging my shoulders, which made me very uncomfortable and then tried to get more physical, sort of chasing me around.”
Apart from the sexual misconduct, allegations of stifling Mira Sorvino’s acting career were also levied on Harvey Weinstein. Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson shared that brothers Harvey and Bob Weinstein deliberately called the younger Sorvino a “nightmare” to work with, making every attempt to blacklist her.

Harvey Weinstein’s representatives gave a statement to EW addressing Jackson’s allegations, “Mr. Weinstein has nothing but the utmost respect for Peter Jackson. However, as Mr. Jackson will probably remember because Disney would not finance the Lord of the Rings, Miramax lost the project and all casting was done by New Line. While Bob and Harvey Weinstein were executive producers of the film they had no input into the casting whatsoever.”

Academy Award-winning actress, Mira Sorvino was also alluded to in the statement given to EW: “As recently as this year, Mira Sorvino called Mr. Weinstein and asked if her husband could be part of the SEAL television series [Six] he was producing and Mr. Weinstein cast him; when Christopher Backus received a better offer, Mr. Weinstein allowed him to amicably break his contract to pursue the opportunity.”

Also Read: ‘They Hired Me When Nobody Else Would’: MCU Star Gwyneth Paltrow Confirms Weinstein Brothers Ignited Her Career, Harvey Weinstein Reportedly Invited Her to Bedroom

Paul Sorvino rightfully threatens his daughter’s assaulter

Mira and Paul Sorvino
Paul Sorvino was proud of his daughter Mira Sorvino for finally speaking up

Paul Sorvino did not take this revelation lightly. He explained in black and white but with vivid colorful details what Weinstein would have to face if he ever came across Sorvino on the street. He told TMZ:

“If I meet [Weinstein] on the street — he oughta hope that he goes to jail, because if we come across, I think he’ll be lying on the floor, somehow, magically… He’s going to go to jail. Oh yeah. That son of a bitch. Good for him if he goes, because if not, he has to meet me. And I will kill the motherf—er. Real simple.”

Further in the course of the interview, Paul Sorvino claimed that he was totally in the dark regarding everything that was recently revealed by his daughter about Weinstein, both the assault attempt and the harm rendered to her career. He shared how “furious” he was when he was told everything. Like a protective father he said, “If I had known it, he would not be walking. He’d be in a wheelchair.”

Sorvino also expressed how proud he was of his daughter for breaking her silence. “My daughter’s … a courageous and a wonderful human being, and doesn’t deserve to have been treated that way by this pig. This pig will get his comeuppance. The law will get him. He’s going to go to jail and die in jail.”

Also Read: ‘I thought he was deformed down there’: Disgraced Producer Harvey Weinstein Smells Like Poop, Has Revolting Body Parts That Makes You Vomit Reveals New Book

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