Gaten Matarazzo, who is known for his role in Stranger Things, has spoken out about some of the not-so-good things about being famous. He experienced how things can go too far, and fans can start to behave in ways that aren’t apt. One particularly disturbing incident involved a woman in her 40s who openly admitted to having a crush on him since he was just 13 years old.

Gaten Matarazzo as Michael Dipnicky in Honor Society (Credits: Paramount+)
Gaten Matarazzo as Michael Dipnicky in Honor Society (Credits: Paramount+)

This confession, made in front of the woman’s own daughter, left Matarazzo feeling upset. Strangely enough, the woman then made it even more awkward by admitting she knew about the age gap. It seems she didn’t realize how creepy her comment was for the young star.

A Creepy Older Woman who Left Gaten Matarazzo Distressed 

Gaten Matarazzo
Gaten Matarazzo in a still from Stranger Things (Credits: Netflix)

Gaten Matarazzo, who has been a mainstay on the popular Netflix series since its debut in 2016, talked about some weird experiences he’s had with fans on the Inside of You podcast (via Us Magazine). He recounted an incident involving a woman in her 40s that left him feeling genuinely scared:

I did one very recently — and this is not very funny, but the reactions around it were quite funny — where this woman in her 40s said straight up, ‘I’ve had a crush on you since you were 13. And I was like, ‘That’s upsetting.’ I’m sure she just meant, ‘Aw, this kid’s cute.’ But then she doubled down.

The now 21-year-old-continued:

She was like, ‘I’m aware of the age difference.’ And her daughter was with her, and her daughter goes, ‘Mom, what the f*ck?’ I swear to God.

This wasn’t the only instance where Matarazzo faced unwanted advances. He shared that during fan interactions, he has even experienced physical harassment, including being inappropriately touched.

Gaten Matarazzo Harassed by Overstepping Fans Repeatedly

Prank Encounters
Gaten Matarazzo, host of Prank Encounters (Credits: Propagate)

This wasn’t the only instance where a fan crossed a line. Gaten Matarazzo revealed he’s even had physical contact that made him feel uncomfortable. “I’ve taken photos with fans and I’ve had a few butt grabs for sure.” The Connecticut native continued, “That was insane, I’ve had a few butt grabs for sure.”

The actor is now 21 and seems to be taking it all in stride. He acknowledged that Stranger Things will likely be his biggest project and expressed his gratitude for the opportunities it has brought. He said on the same podcast:

With this show it is quite clear and I am very well aware — and would like my professional team — to understand that I am very OK with ‘Stranger Things’ being very likely the biggest thing I will ever do.

Matarazzo seems more focused on his happiness and future work than chasing fame. “What more could I ask for?” he asserted.

Stranger Things Season 5 is expected to be released in 2025.

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