‘I’m very aware that people lose loved ones…’: Emma D’Arcy Faced a Similar Personal Tragedy as Rhaenyra Right Before Coming Back to House of the Dragon Season 2
- Emma D'Arcy talks about experiencing grief both in real and reel life.
- The actress says she finally feels like she belongs to the House of the Dragon set.
- Emma D'Arcy and Olivia Cooke talks about the dynamics of gender and power in the series.
English actress Emma D’Arcy became a worldwide sensation after they appeared as Rhaenyra Targaryen on HBO’s fantasy action-adventure drama House of the Dragon. They have been praised for their exceptional performance on the show and managed to earn a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for the lead role.

The actress, when announced to be cast on the show, stated that they were only aware of Game of Thrones and not House of the Dragon. They are known to be as the ‘face of the show’, and no one is denying that. Emma D’Arcy shared that before returning for season two of House of the Dragon, they faced personal loss very similar to her character.
House of the Dragon star Emma D’Arcy admits to feeling ‘a bit like a visitor’ in George R. R. Martin’s world
In a recent interview with W Magazine, Emma D’Arcy dwells upon how they prepared for their character of Rhaenyra Targaryen on House of the Dragon. The publication mentioned that it was their upbringing, one of artistry and commitment, that helped them prepare for the character they are now widely known for. Their mother was an illustrator where as their father was described as ‘ an obsessive painter, photographer, maker’. The actress shared,
I would describe myself as a good worker, a committed worker, a person for whom one’s work is bound up in their identity. But I probably wouldn’t describe myself as obsessive. [Art] Foundation really gave me a second chance at building a personality. It was the space in which I was invited to learn and think about things critically.
Talking about taking over the role of Rhaenyra on House of the Dragon from Milly Alcock, the actress mentioned that they certainly felt some trepidation the first time they appeared on set. They added that one needs to have an incredibly good reason to make a return journey after the success of a show like Game of Thrones. House of the Dragon is a prequel to GOT, set nearly 200 years before the events of GOT.

Initially, the actress admits to feeling a bit like a visitor in author George R. R. Martin’s world, but after taking on a full season [season 2], they feel like they have finally found their footing in the world of Song of Ice and Fire. During the interview, Emma D’Arcy who shares a close bond with co-star Olivia Cooke, playing Alicent Hightower on the show, noted that they are talking about the dynamics of gender and power in the series. D’Arcy mentions,
Both women are seeking to hold some sort of power within a system that was not built to deliver it to them. It’s like Emma inside Rhaenyra, experiencing frustration at the incapacity of the character to find greater agency in those situations.
D’Arcy also acknowledges that they admire that their character can speak to the audience without using many words. The actress adds that Rhaenyra is non-verbal because there’s no want or desire in her.
Emma D’Arcy talks about experiencing grief in real and reel life
In episode 1 of season two of House of the Dragon, not only the heir to the Iron Throne mourns the loss of her father but also her young son Lucerys. Talking about experiencing grief, D’Arcy shared with W Magazine,
There is something strange about being invited to meditate on that which you are simultaneously trying to avoid. I’m very aware that people lose loved ones all the time and have to go to work the next day. By a strange twist of fate, my job invited me to reflect on the things happening both to my character and me.
The publication mentioned that the actress lost someone close to them just before the production of season two began. When D’Arcy tried to displace the grief they felt due to the loss of someone close to them, Rhaenyra’s storyline to grieve the loss allowed them to face the feeling they tried to displace.

In an interview with Vogue, the actress noted that grief is a major engine in the narrative for their character in season 2, adding that it was the key area of investigation for them because grief manifests so differently in different people. They added that it’s so beautiful the way Ryan Condal, Sara Hess have managed to construct season two. When asked about the powerful connection Rhaenyra and Alicent share despite being on the rival teams, D’Arcy added,
They are sort of haunting one another. There’s a lot of death in the show, but these characters are also haunted by the living and by the missing people in their lives.
The actress lastly added that their character spends a lot of time looking at the history of her family in season two, as though she’s looking for a clue to her future.
House of the Dragon is streaming on HBO Max.