Ryan Reynolds is all set to grace the big screen as Deadpool alongside Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Marvel Studios’ highly anticipated movie, Deadpool & Wolverine. Directed by Shawn Levy as the sequel to Deadpool 2, the movie is reportedly going to change the history of the MCU after TVA sends Deadpool on a mission with Wolverine.

Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool & Wolverine to premiere on July 26th, 2024 | Marvel Studios

After Disney acquired 20th Century Fox Studios in 2019, the control of the Deadpool character was transferred to Marvel Studios. With the upcoming movie, the studios have integrated Deadpool with Marvel Cinematic Universe and retained the R rating of the previous movies, making it the first R-rated MCU movie. Where fans are excited for the third installment, Ryan Reynolds’ cryptic post raises curiosity.

Ryan Reynolds’ cryptic post hinting at Deadpool’s future in the MCU?

Marvel Studios’ Deadpool & Wolverine is one of the highly anticipated movies of 2024, as it is not only going to see Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman together but will see the latter reprise his role as Wolverine after seven years. It’s also going to serve as Deadpool’s official debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

However, Ryan Reynolds has shared a looping video of the Avengers team logo waving a blue flag. Interestingly, the logo in the video has been defaced with a sprayed anarchist symbol, which fans have assumed could be a hint for his character’s future in the MCU. Pointing out that he could appear in Avengers 5.

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios

However, ardent fans were quick to jump to theories regarding the looping flag video. One of the users mentioned, ‘The anarchy symbol over the Avengers logo. It could be that the group led by Nova is called the Anarchists, or maybe the character Anarchy is going to appear. Or it’s just a flag.’ Another user mentioned that ‘this is probably the resistance flag’.

A user online wrote, ‘It is anarchy logo. Likely just giving more of a clue to the background of the universe they are in for most of the film, and the Avengers are gone in this universe.’ A lot of users seemed to believe that the looping flag video was a hint of a rumored resistance group or is the logo of the resistance. A user tried to remind others by stating, ‘Aren’t they filming Avengers 5 soon?’

The third installment of the Deadpool franchise is expected to be more successful than previous films, thanks to Jackman returning as Wolverine. Reynolds’ Wolverine is also one of the most blunt and exciting characters in the MCU, and according to fans, his addition to Avengers 5 could change the dynamics of the movie.

However, despite being excited and waiting for the studios to comment on the situation, one cannot forget that Reynolds is an excellent marketer and businessman. He understands his fans and the reactions his post could elicit. The post could be a hint to the Deadpool and Avengers connection, but it’s very difficult to conclude anything as of now.

Hugh Jackman’s phone call saved Deadpool & Wolverine

In a recent cover story for Vanity Fair, Reynolds shared about the delay in the third installment by stating,

In a normal movie, you work, you’re a** off. But in a movie like this, you forsake a lot of things that you maybe took for granted: sleep, seeing your family, and the myth of the present father. There’s a lot of sacrifice. I mean, these are all up-town problems. I have a very intense relationship with the character and the world that the character inhabits.

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman saved Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios

Director Shawn Levy also shared that they struggled to find a story for the third movie that felt original and non-derivative of the previously released Deadpool movies. He added that the story needed to be deserving of the first Deadpool entry into the MCU, but at the same time, it needed to be grounded because of the realistic superhero franchise.

Reynolds shared that after Hugh Jackman agreed to come on board for the movie, they spoke to Kevin Feige and convinced him to not ignore the fact that Jackman was ready to reprise his fan-favorite character after seven years. He added that it was a one-in-a-billion chance, and they took it. Jackman, on his part, added that he felt rejuvenated playing Wolverine again, adding that it feels better than ever.

Deadpool & Wolverine is scheduled to release on July 26th, 2024.

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