Shia LaBeouf has starred in some great movies and shows such as Transformers and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull since the beginning of his acting career in the early 2000s. Despite the infamous controversies that he got involved in later in his career, he has gotten the chance to work with some A-list actors such as Brad Pitt, Gary Oldman, Alec Baldwin, and Logan Lerman.

In the 2014 war film Fury, LaBeouf starred alongside Brad Pitt. The movie had received rave reviews and it also helped Pitt shape as a father. The Babylon star has often mentioned how his responsibilities towards his children have affected his career. However, he has claimed that Fury affected his fatherhood.

Shia LaBeouf
Shia LaBeouf

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Brad Pitt Praised Fury Co-star Shia LaBeouf

Actors often develop a deep admiration for one another while working on the same project, and many times, they even openly declare this admiration during interviews and such. One such instance is when Brad Pitt told GQ how good Shia LaBeouf is at what he does. He said:

“Oh, I love this boy. He’s one of the best actors I’ve ever seen. He’s full-on commitment, man. He’s living it like no one else, let me tell you. I’ve been fortunate to work with a lot of great actors. He’s one of the best I’ve seen.”

Shia LaBeouf and Brad Pitt in Fury
Shia LaBeouf and Brad Pitt in Fury

Shia LaBeouf also didn’t hold back his praise for the Oscar-winning actor, and he also said that every actor on the set was vying for Pitt’s attention and wished to get close to him. He explained this, saying: “It’s like having five dudes on a date with one girl. You know, everyone is really trying to get close.”

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The Nymphomaniac had some other very kinds for Brad Pitt as he said that Pitt was a good mentor and that he did not wish to address the star as the old man who was there in the tank during the film’s shooting because he always seemed like a wise equal despite his paternalistic qualities.

Fury was a Learning Experience for Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf
Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf

Brad Pitt claimed that David Ayer’s Fury enriched him as a father because his role was of a veteran soldier who was tasked with guiding young soldiers. The roles of these young soldiers were played by Shia LaBeouf and Logan Lerman. Pitt felt strongly about this movie as it was about soldiers, and he hoped that the soldiers who would watch this movie would feel recognized.

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The World War Z actor said that the movie was a learning experience for every single actor in that movie. Speaking of how it made him a better father, he said: “I learnt a lot from this film. We all walked away absolutely enriched. The role is a real study in leadership and learning to command respect and, because of this, I am now a better father.”

Even Brad Pitt’s real-life sons got involved with the movie according to what he told Radio Times. His son Maddox’s fascination with tanks at the time was fueled by Pitt’s role as a tank commander in the movie. Although Pitt’s younger son Knox did not understand what the movie was actually about, he shared his older brother’s curiosity about the tanks.

Source: GQ


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