The Big Bang Theory American sitcom is a widely popular series with its own fan base. Among the characters, Kaley Cuoco playing Penny was one of the fan-favorites as she meticulously performed the role of the dumb aspiring actress in the series. While things definitely worked out for her giving her immense success since then, she once revealed how she had been rejected twice while auditioning for the role.

The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory

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The show had over 270 episodes and 12 seasons in its runtime. It was quite a relatable series which fans really appreciated making it one of the most watched and successful shows. Especially referring to the actress’s role who was a normal one among the group of intelligent ones, she seemed to have left an imprint on the role even though she was not the first choice!

Kaley Cuoco Made Into The Show After Failing Twice

Kaley Cuoco
American actress, Kaley Cuoco

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The 37-year-old actress, Kaley Cuoco had already been on the path of rising in the Hollywood industry when she landed her breakthrough role as Bridget Hennessy on the 8 Simple Rules. However, her audition for The Big Bang Theory (TBBT) somehow made her conscious of whether she would be a right fit for the series due to the past failures she received while auditioning for the same.

In a 2014 interview with TVLine, the actress opened up about how she landed her role of Penny in the famous series.

“The fact that I auditioned for this show three times and twice didn’t get hired…. It’s about perseverance. I remember the third time I went back, I was thinking, ‘It’s obviously not right for me, I don’t know why they keep bringing me back!”

Even though she had been in doubt about getting selected for the role, her decision to try out her luck one more time miraculously changed her life.

“But I’m really glad I did go in that third time, because obviously, it changed my life. So just remember, anything can happen. You think it’s the wrong thing but it could be the right thing. You just need to keep going.”

Her actions definitely returned the efforts she put in for the role. After all, the way she made this role hers was something commendable and fans can’t get enough of it.

Kaley Cuoco Originally Auditioned for The Role of Katie in The Big Bang Theory

Kaley Cuoco
The TBBT actress, Kaley Cuoco

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Before getting selected for the role of Penny, Cuoco initially screen-tested for the role of the pilot but didn’t get it. The role of Katie was quite dark and cynical which was the complete opposite of Cuoco’s personality. Her age was one of the factors involved in the actress not getting the role.  Katie was in the pilot which ended up not airing on the show.

The Warner Bros. Television Group president and chief content officer, Peter Roth, said at the time shared, “In the first pilot, the character of [Katie] was not as appealing as that proverbial girl next door. It was not the actress [Amanda Walsh] but rather the conceit of the character.”

Even Casting Director Ken Miller gave his opinion by stating that Cuoco was “so sunny and bubbly” however she “just wasn’t the essence of Penny in that first incarnation.”

Her age also played a factor in her not getting the role.

She shared, “I was too young, which I love saying because I don’t get to say that I’m too young anymore.”

Whatsoever the circumstances are, Cuoco ended up getting the role of Penny which she portrayed very well with things coming to an end in a great way.

Source: TVLine

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