The prolific actor, Matt Damon is known for taking us through diverse emotional stages with his characters, from the emotionally desperate Will Hunting to the resolute and action-driven Jason Bourne. Damon’s characters possess an inherently relatable quality that allows us to connect to our lives.

Notably, his stand-out role in The Martian shines as exceptional, earning him numerous Oscars and resonating with the audience and critics alike. Despite, the different settings and storylines, Damon finds similarities between The Martian and his Bourne movies.

Matt Damon finds similarities between The Martian and Bourne movies

Image of Matt Damon
Matt Damon

Matt Damon’s The Martian is widely acknowledged as his signature work. His role as Mark Watney, an astronaut, was able to showcase a wide range of emotions and resilience in the face of adversity. Similarly, The Bourne franchise was ultimately a breakthrough in Damon’s career that marked a significant departure from his previous roles that centered on dramas and comedies. With its successful installments, the Bourne series propelled him into the realm of action stardom.

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Talking to Smithsonian, the actor draws similarities with the characters Mark Watney and Jason Bourne, despite their differences in storyline and setting. According to Damon, his experience in performing in The Martian was very reminiscent of his time on Bourne films. The common thread, he identifies is the sequence where he had to perform alone in both movies.

“The closest thing would probably be the Bourne movies. I end up on my own, usually, in those, at least in the second two. But that was the appeal of this. It was so different from anything I’d ever done before. I have these long monologues to nobody. I never would’ve considered doing it had it not been for a world-class director. It’s a very risky thing to do, but I had faith in Ridley being able to strike the right tone for it.”


Matt Damon in The Martian movie
Matt Damon in The Martian

In the Bourne movies, particularly the second and third installments, Damon has to operate the mission independently, navigating the dangerous situations alone. Similarly, in The Martian, isolation is explored through the character Mark Watney, who is cut off from human contact and has to rely on his intelligence and resourcefulness to survive on Mars. Therefore, the self-reliance of both characters is emphasized, as they do not depend on any external support or assistance but rather rely on their abilities to overcome challenges.

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Bourne trilogy triumph and Matt Damon’s iconic return

Matt Damon in The Bourne Identity

The Bourne trilogy, consisting of five successful installments, takes us on a thrilling adventure with Jason Bourne, a trained assassin who suffers from amnesia, embarks to uncover his true identity, and faces various intelligence agencies and assassins. The Bourne Supremacy is the second movie that portrays Bourne’s relentless pursuit of answers and vengeance.

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The Bourne Ultimatum came out as the best sequel and became the highest-grossing film out of all the Bourne films. The Bourne series continues to expand its mythology with Bourne: Legacy, starring Marvel star Jeremy Renner. Matt Damon’s return to the franchise with the title role as Jason Bourne in the potential sequel reaffirmed his status as an iconic action hero.

Source: Smithsonian



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