More leaks surrounding the DCEU projects have been coming out lately. A particular Reddit page has brought out much information which includes the upcoming Superman: Legacy (2025). And more recently following the recent release of James Gunn-directed The Flash, another leak has brought to light that the group of supervillains called The Rougues appearing in the DC’s Flash comic series will be getting its live-action series in the coming future.

This group appeared for the first time in The Flash comic series #155 released in September 1965. Known for its code of conduct and a very social setting within the group, these guys include supervillains such as  Weather Wizard, Golden Glider, Pied Piper, etc.

DC’s Supervillain group ‘The Rogues’ Reported To Get Its Own Series

The Rogues
The Rogues

Many DCEU projects are in development at the moment.  It is clear from the fact that the recent release of James Gunn-directed The Flash, another project, the Aquaman sequel, is on its way this year. But things do not end there as the studio also confirmed the feature debut film for Superman slated to release in 2025.

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According to recent reports, the casting process is underway with three actors contending for the role of the Kryptonian superhero as well as for Lois Lane’s character. And more recently, a Reddit page called r/DCEU leaks has brought to light that the studio is also bringing the supervillain group The Rogues, appearing in the Flash comic series onto the screen.

The Flash
The Flash

As per the report, the project is in development currently and is going to be a crime/heist series. Reported to be set in DCU’s Chapter 2 and will also be directed by Gunn as far as it is known for now.

For those new, DCU chapters were introduced by James Gunn and Peter Safran which will contain a particular list of projects under it similar to MCU’s “phase” concept. The first DCU chapter is named “Gods and Monsters” and will start rolling out in 2024 as per reports.

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A Brief Look at DC Supervillain Group ‘The Rogues’

The Rogues
The Rogues

In DC’s Flash comic series, a loose group of criminals who called themselves ‘The Rogues’ have frequently had a face-off with the speedsters in his various incarnations. However, unlike other supervillains, this group has a code of conduct that does not accept psychotic behaviors that most supervillains tend to have such as the Reverse-Flash.

The team members include the Weather Wizard, Golden Glider, Top, Captain Boomerang, Mirror Master, etc. And with that attitude, instead of calling themselves supervillains, they prefer the title of ‘The Rogues’.

Also Read: “There was really only one choice”: James Gunn Reveals Why This Director is Perfect for ‘Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Source: Reddit

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