On Sunday, Jennifer Lopez was spotted spending time with her step-daughter Violet Affleck in New York City. Rumors say that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are going through a rough patch. People on social media were convinced that their marriage is failing after Ben Affleck was recently spotted with his ex-partner, Jennifer Garner, but it seems like the singer is trying to debunk their breakup rumors by going out with her step-daughter, Violet Affleck.

Also read: Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez Make Very PDA-Filled Public Appearance as Internet’s Convinced They Are Trying Hard to Suppress Failing Marriage Rumours

Jennifer Lopez was spotted in New York with Violet Affleck

Jennifer Lopez
The singer with her step-daughter Violet Affleck

Jennifer Lopez and her step-daughter Violet Affleck were spotted spending time together in New York City. The two have been in the city for the celebration of Ben Affleck’s 50th birthday celebrations. The singer was wearing a blousy white shirt paired with gray shorts and sneakers. Ben Affleck’s eldest daughter was spotted in orange-colored pants with a basic Appalachian T-shirt with multi-colored platform sandals. It seemed like Violet Affleck was not happy with all the media attention that they garnered.

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Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck got married last month

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck
The two got married in Las Vegas

Actor Ben Affleck tied knots with Jennifer Lopez in Las Vegas last month. Lopez shares twins, Emme and Max, with her ex-husband Marc Anthony while Ben Affleck shares three kids, Violet, Seraphina, and son Samuel with his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner. The newlywed couple recently went to Paris to celebrate their honeymoon with their kids. Samuel, however, stayed back in the United States with Jennifer Garner.

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Ben Affleck was spotted with Jennifer Garner

Ben Affleck Jennifer Garner
Ben Affleck went to Pacific Palisades with Jennifer Garner and son, Samuel.

Earlier this month, Ben Affleck was spotted with his ex-partner Jennifer Garner and son Samuel at Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles. This was Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s first public reunion since the actor’s marriage in July 2022.

Source: GeoTV

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