Jim Carrey Almost Saved Jennifer Aniston’s Life on Set Despite FRIENDS Star’s Confusing Denial
Jim Carrey once almost saved Jennifer Aniston’s life, but things got strange when the Bounty Hunter actress gave a very contradictory statement on the matter.
There’s seldom an uneventful day in the celebrity world. No matter the era or time, stories from film sets hold great significance to cinema aficionados. These stories are heard and said with great interest. One such story emerged from the set of the 2003 film Bruce Almighty. However, the stars involved have denied the instance; making the matter all the more intriguing.

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Jim Carrey Saved Jennifer Aniston’s Life
Making films takes a village. And it is not free from its dangers. Tales of hazardous incidents on film sets are often heard. One such tale would have been of Jennifer Aniston getting seriously injured or something worse if it weren’t for Jim Carrey.

Ahead of the film’s release in 2003, there was a press release that shared the incident in detail. On a very windy day during the filming of the infamous fantasy comedy Bruce Almighty, a crane almost toppled over the FRIENDS actress, but Carrey pulled her aside. As the source from the set told news outlets at the time (via Chicago Tribune):
“Jennifer had her back to the crane and didn’t see it coming. But thank God, Jim did–and he pushed her out of the way. Aniston, shaken by the near miss, hugged and kissed Carrey, saying ‘You saved my life. You’re a real hero.’”
Carrey’s presence on screen is seldom as the guy who fights and saves the day. But in this particular incident, he was.
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The Story Holds Some Inconsistencies

The story of Carrey’s presence of mind and chivalry is heartwarming. And everyone is grateful for Aniston’s safety. But there are reports saying things didn’t exactly go down the way they are stated. And the stars themselves have said some very confusing things on the matter.
For one, Carrey has said that the matter is being blown out of proportion. The Canadian actor said that the whole thing, as the fans have come to know it, is an exaggerated account of a small incident.
Furthermore, Aniston’s account of the matter doesn’t help the issue. It only makes it worse. The actress has denied ever being in the spot. She has said that she was never in the position of being hit by a crane. The matter is a bizarre one. Matters like these have given netizens trust issues.