When it’s about Marvel and DC, there is enough comic book TV content out there. While Marvel is thriving on the Mouse and DC also has great content coming out of both HBO Max and The CW. This week will see the anticipated debut of Peacemaker, starring John Cena which is the follow-up to James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. There are many possibilities for future comic book-related content, and now, one writer has come up with an idea. Writer  Jimmy Palmiotti, who has a long history with comics, recently took to Twitter to see if fans would like a television show based on the Jonah Hex comic he created with Russ Heath, Justin Gray, and Jordi Bernet.

Jonah Hex
Jonah Hex

“Why @wbpictures doesn’t take our DONE -IN-ONE stories of JONAH HEX we wrote for the series [ 70] & not make a weekly series for @hbomaxmovies is a mystery to me. Seriously, make the scar smaller, focus on after-the-war adventures, and hire us to consult RT if you want this,” Palmiotti wrote. He added in the comments, “It’s always good to remind people of what they are sitting on. Justin and I would easily be able to adapt our own work to screenplay form. We both have screenwriting experience. It would be fun. I mean – isn’t Yellowstone killing it right now?”

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Obviously, if Warner Bros. were open to a Jonah Hex series, it wouldn’t be the first time the character will be seen onscreen. Hex has been earlier played by Johnathon Schaech on both Batwoman and Legends of Tomorrow. Back in the year 2010, long before Josh Brolin was Thanos or Cable, he starred in a film adaptation of DC’s western comic that follows the anti-hero/bounty hunter who managed to cheat death in a massive way. Jonah Hex didn’t meet with the best reviews, earning a poor 12% critics score and 20% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. The movie also featured Megan Fox, who talked to the Washington Post this past year about her performance in the film, revealing that she did better in the movie than she was credited for at the time.

“While I shouldn’t have been nominated for an Oscar for it, I’m definitely not bad in it,” Fox said. Fox admitted she recently watched Jonah Hex for the first time, and came away feeling like the film was “decent.” This looks like a far cry from her stance from a few years ago when she had advised fans that no one should ever see Jonah Hex.

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