Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez recently held their second wedding ceremony at Ben Affleck’s highly controversial property. The property was designed to look like a plantation in the Antebellum south. It was also revealed in the Finding Your Roots series that Benjamin Cole, an ancestor of Ben Affleck, reportedly owned multiple enslaved African-Americans. People on social media are not happy with the fact that the couple held their event at the actor’s 87-acre property in Georgia.

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Ben Affleck tried to sell the property

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez at the event

The property features a 6,000-square-foot home deep water port and a 10,000-square-foot guest house. Sources say Ben Affleck tried to sell the property in 2018 for $8.9 million, and even lowered it to $7.6 million in 2019 but removed it in the same year after he couldn’t find any buyers.

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The couple received backlash on social media

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez Wedding
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s second wedding

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were criticized on social media as soon as people found out about the information that the actor has been trying to hide.

A lot of people labeled the two as ‘racists’ for hosting a plantation-styled wedding at the property.

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The couple spent around $400K on their wedding celebrations

Affleck and Lopez.
The couple spent a lot of money on the wedding

Sources say that the couple spent roughly $400K on their wedding celebrations which lasted for 3 days. The two got engaged earlier this year and got married in Las Vegas last month. A lot of people on social media pointed out that Jennifer Lopez only did this for media attention. On top of that, they are now getting criticized for hosting their second marriage at the property in the presence of close friends and families.

There were recently rumors that said the couple is facing issues in their marriage after the DCEU star was spotted spending time with his ex-partner, Jennifer Garner, and son Samuel.

Source: Twitter

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