The ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement is still going strong and its longevity can be attributed to the various people (one example being Aquaman star Jason Momoa) who have come out to say that it indeed does exist. Zack Snyder himself has released little tidbits of his Justice League by confirming the existence of Martian Manhunter in the movie as well as showing a never-before-seen image of cyborg. Snyder Cut fans can now add another name to that list. This Justice League crew member has come out to not just to confirm the existence of the Synder Cut, but also to demand the release of it.

Justice League Crew Member Wants Release Of The Snyder Cut

Many crew members have confirmed the existence of the Snyder Cut. Pic courtesy:
Many crew members have confirmed the existence of the Snyder Cut. Pic courtesy:

This crew member is the cinematographer of Justice League, Fabian Wagner. He posted a photo on his Instagram to show support for the movement. The photo shows Batman standing on a freestanding rock with the letters S and C carved into it. You can check out the post below:


As caption he wrote:

“Sunday’s are for the League and the Snyder cut,” he wrote. “Thank you @rameshdesilva2 for this cool piece of art. You guys are doing amazing supporting Zack and the movie we made.”

Snyder Cut Fans Bomb Every HBO Tweet

Snyder Cut fans bomb HBO Max tweets. Pic courtesy:
Snyder Cut fans bomb HBO Max tweets. Pic courtesy:

This post from Wagner is sure to fuel the already strong Snyder Cut movement even more and the fans know just where to use this renewed energy. Snyder Cut supporters took to twitter during the HBO Max announcements and twitter bombed every tweet put out by HBO. They posted memes, gifs and comments to let the people in charge know that they were not leaving till they got the Snyder Cut. But these fans don’t just bombard social media posts, they also raised a substantial amount of nearly 100k for Suicide Prevention.

Justice League is available digitally and on Blu-ray and DVD. The film stars Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Ben Affleck as Batman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth and more.

Check out what Aquaman star Jason Momoa has to say about the Snyder Cut:

(Source: and

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