You don’t need fancy gadgets to win – Batman.

One of the most paradigmatic superhero teams in the Multiverse and in comics. The Justice League comprises of individual superhero beings with special powers and abilities with some fabulous costumes to save the world from evil. The Justice League members have been the most cosplayed characters thought-out history around the globe, especially when it comes to Superman, Wonder Women and our Badass Batman. As time passed by cosplayer have got really creative and have modified the original costumes with their flavours of addition. But some of the hard-core Cosplayers were against any addition of their own to these Costumes and so retained the original costume designs. So Animated Times have compiled theses individual cosplayers to recognize them individually. So let’s dug deep into it and find out 10 best Justice League Cosplays that looked just like the comics.

1 Batman & Catwoman By Mattzilla& CuriousCat:

Bat Cat SM


2 The New 52 Wonder Women by Misseryu :

Wonder Woman New 52


3 Captain Marvel by Mary:



4 Wally West Flash By GraysonFin:

Wally West Rebirth e1586309848684


5 Superman By Mikel Byrnes:



6 Stargirl By Toria Ann:



7 Black Canary By Mckone:


8 Hawkgirl & Hawkman By Amy Nicole & Havok:

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9 Super Girl By Rueben Ramblings:


10 Harley Quinn By Andy Rae:

andyrae thenerdyconartist e1495809400632







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