World history has seen some of the darkest periods of human suffering. And there are events like the Holocaust of Jewish people by the Nazi party in the 1930s and 40s. And the effects of such brutal and inhumane acts still echo to this day. Therefore it is an understandably very sensitive issue and a sensitive spot for many people who are directly and indirectly affected by the historical event.

Recently, Arnold Schwarzenneger came out with a statement about anti-Semitism and just hate in general. And unlike celebrities like Kanye West who has no problem with supporting figures such as Adolf Hitler who had spread hate, the Terminator actor used his voice to speak up against it.

Arnold Schwarzenneger addresses Anti-Semitism and Hate

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger

There is no lack of hate in the world but nothing ever good comes out of it either. Therefore it is better to ditch it and spread love instead. Hollywood star Arnold Schwarzenegger recently shared a statement along the same line of thought. And as it is a known historical fact that the Holocaust of the Jewish people was one of the biggest examples of hate also called Anti-semitism. The veteran actor used his platform and the reach he has as a big celebrity to denounce any kind of hate. According to him, his father had been a member of the Nazi party but he denounced everything that the party supported. Schwarzenegger said,

“They fell for a horrible, loser ideology, they were lied to and misled into a path that ended in misery”

He also added how “hate” can never result in or give any successful outcome ever. It is a breath of fresh air to see a celebrity take their time to address important issues such as this. Because there are celebrities like Kanye West who publicly support anti-Semitism and the Nazis.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger

The rapper has been canceled by so many people for hurting Jewish people’s sentiments. At the end of the day everyone is equal, therefore hating a specific group for no logical reason is wasteful and harmful.

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What is Kanye West’s Anti-Semitic Issue

Kanye West
Kanye West

For those who might have missed it, Kanye West or Ye has a problematic history of tweeting insensitive and hurtful tweets just about anything. Most of it is just plain hate speech against his ex-wife, her ex-boyfriend, and even the Jewish community for no reason. His first anti-Semitic tweet was, to “go death con 3” on Jewish people. After that, he also praised Naxi leader Adolf Hitler.

The rapper got banned from the platform right afterward. Aside from that, he has many other problematic remarks that he has shared. As a result, most of the corporate partners have cut their ties with Ye since.

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Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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