Kendall Jenner Relents to Privileged Brat Comments, Holds Her Own Umbrella After Making Security Guard Stand in Rain
Kendall Jenner, a member of the iconic Kardashian-Jenner family, is no stranger to controversy. The incident with the umbrella began when a series of pictures surfaced online showing Kendall Jenner being escorted by her bodyguard during a rainy day. The bodyguard can be seen holding an umbrella over her head while he is drenched in the rain.
The pictures quickly went viral, and social media users expressed outrage at the model’s perceived lack of empathy and privilege. Many accused her of being “out of touch” with reality and deserving of this treatment.
Kendall Jenner And Her Umbrella

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Jenner, however, didn’t let the backlash get to her. Instead, she took a light-hearted approach to the situation. The fashion brand Forward originally posted the pictures. Here Jenner is seen wearing a denim dress to the knee and black rain boots and smiling for the cameras. The post quickly gained traction and sparked a new round of discussions and memes on social media. Some praised her for “finally learning” how to hold her umbrella.
In contrast, others made jokes about the incident, with some photoshopping the image to include her bodyguard holding the umbrella for her. The 27-year-old model also shared an image on her Instagram story where she can be seen walking under a black umbrella while it rains.

The Cucumber Controversy
This is not the first time Jenner has faced criticism for her independent and privileged lifestyle. In the past, she has been criticized for not knowing how to cut a cucumber. This was revealed on the Kardashian show and for dressing up as one for Halloween, which some saw as insensitive. Despite the controversy, she always seems to come out on top. Hence, proving that she is not one to be easily swayed by public opinion.

In the episode of The Kardashian show, Kendall Jenner attempted to slice a cucumber in her mother’s kitchen. The scene aired on Hulu and quickly went viral as fans were puzzled by Kendall’s chopping technique. Many took to social media to express their confusion, with some even creating memes and jokes about the incident.

Some saw Jenner’s lack of cucumber-cutting skills as a symbol of her privileged lifestyle and detachment from everyday struggles. Many felt that the incident highlighted the disconnect between the Kardashians and their audience and that it was another example of Jenner being out of touch with reality.
Source: FWRD | Instagram