Kim Kardashian simply can’t keep her head out of controversy. The beauty mogul always seems to find a way into the headlines, and her relationships aly one of the reasons. And it is not just her present dating life that finds mention in tabloids. The reality star dated singer Ray J almost two decades ago and their s*x tape was leaked 15 years ago. And somehow, people have still have not gotten over it. The controversy which Kardashian called the most embarrassing moment of her life, still keeps bringing fresh turmoils.

Kim Kardashian Ray J sex tape controversy Ray J reveals that Kim Kardashian wanted to leak sex tape
Kim Kardashian and Ray J

Kris Jenner can’t stop cashing in on the s*x tape controversy

This time around, it is due to Kris Jenner that the issue was revived. The momager recently appeared on The Late Late Show with James Corden, where she was hooked to a lie detector test and asked if she helped Kim K release her s*x tape. First, the 66-year-old shook her head, followed by saying, “It’s OK, but no,” and the lie-detecting machine affirmed she wasn’t lying. Jenner then said with relief, “Oh, I like that we cleared that up.”

Kris Jenner on The Late Late Show giving lie detector test about Kim Kardashian sex tape
Kris Jenner on The Late Late Show

Back in May, when the s*x tape was brought up several times in episodes of Hulu’s The Kardashian, Ray J confessed that the leaked tape was actually a “deal and a partnership between Kris Jenner and Kim and me,” and it was a premeditated attempt for earning fame like Paris Hilton, who also had a leaked s*x tape.

Also Read: ‘It’s ok but NO’: Kris Jenner Denies Accusations That She Released Kim Kardashian-Ray J S*x Tape For Money And Fame, To Mimic The Success Of Paris Hilton

Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner called it “inhumane and foul”

Ray J took to Instagram to call out Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner as frauds
Ray J took to Instagram to call out Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner

Addressing Kris Jenner’s recent appearance on The Late Late Show, Ray J posted a long rant on Instagram, in which he called Kim K and her mother “inhumane and foul”, and the polygraph examiner, John Grogan a “fraud”. The singer claimed during his rant that he was never sued for the s*x tape leap. He even wrote in his caption:


The One Wish singer also said that he will soon share documents to back his claim and he has done exactly that. He took to Instagram to share yet another video where he addressed his followers, saying “You wanna see the s*x tape contract? …There it is,” zooming to a bunch of official papers, he continued, “there’s the whole thing, right? …That’s my handwriting, that’s it, right? This is the s*x tape full contract.”

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Ray J narrates what went down back in the day

Ray J reveals Kim Kardashian signed the sex tape contract for him
Ray J spills the beans on Kim Kardashian’s hand in leaking the s*x tape

Back in May, when the 41-year-old singer revealed that the s*x tape leak was through a formal contract. He also recalled how he had casually ventured the idea to Kim Kardashian who instantaneously jumped on it and finalized everything with her mom, and that the whole planning part was out of his hands. In the recently shared video, Ray J again recalled what all went down during the signing of those contracts. He said,

“Here’s what happens. Kim is rushing me. Her mom’s rushing me, let’s get this shit done, come on… get it signed. Kim’s with me while I’m signing my contract, she’s like ‘hurry up babe. Matter of fact, I’ll go ahead and help you. I’m gonna sign your deliverables for you so you can just rush it through’. So Kim signs the deliverables exactly what we bout to sell… it’s her signature… it’s her handwriting… giving Steve… the right to sell it”

Also Read: ‘You f**ked with THE WRONG BLACK MAN Kris Jenner’: Kim Kardashian’s Ex Ray J Destroys Kris in Viral Online Rant, Claims She Faked Lie Detector Test to Say She Didn’t Leak His S*x Tape

Ray J, whose real name is William Ray Norwood Jr., then panned the camera towards the aforementioned documents, saying, “look who signed my deliverables”. Ray then went on to say,

“…look who was in the room with me. Look who wrote exactly what we sold. Tape number 1 – cabo intro, tape number 2 – cabo s*x, tape number 3 – here’s the one they said I had – sainta barbara s*x.”

Ray then pointed the camera to what looked like a sign, saying: “Ray J, that’s my signature. This isn’t a copy of it, this is the original”, Ray said about the document. He continued, “So what did I do? …I just pull up the handwritings of other people. I even went further because she wrote me a letter.” Ray J went on to describe how he got a forensic check done comparing the handwriting in the letters that Kim K had written to him with the writing on the contract. And as per Ray’s words, his little investigation proved that both were written by the same person. Ray even claimed that Kim K’s handwriting was just a google search away and anyone could compare the two handwriting for themselves, thus concluding that neither Kris Jenner nor Kim K was as innocent in the whole deal as they claimed to be. In fact, they were the ones who rushed things and made the whole deal happen.

Ray J had made it clear that he didn’t want anything to do with the past and wanted to leave it behind but it is the Kardashian clan that keeps bringing it up for clout. These latest revelations on part of Ray J are just an attempt to clear his name of all the accusations and to become a more respectable man for his kids.

Source: Instagram, Page Six

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