Whenever movie stars interact with fans on social media it either results in hilarious situations or total tearjerker ones. Something like this happened with one of the founding avengers Mark Ruffalo who plays Hulk. He shared a video showing a young fan’s enthusiastic reaction to The Hulk smashing in The Avengers.

Little Girl’s Reaction On Hulk Smash Draws Reaction From Mark Ruffalo

Mark Ruffalo reacted to a cute video of a little girl watching Hulk smash. Pic courtesy: osmagorian.com
Mark Ruffalo reacted to a cute video of a little girl watching Hulk smash. Pic courtesy: osmagorian.com

The video was originally posted by the two year old little girl’s father. It showed the girl gasping in awe and then later on saying a string of No’s as Hulk continued his destruction. Of course when people saw the video they @ Mark Ruffalo on twitter. Ruffalo was amused as well with the little girl’s reaction and he retweeted the video with his own caption. He said “The secret way of stopping Dr. banner from turning into the Hulk.”

You can check out the video below:


Video Draws Reaction From Another Hulk Actor Too

The video also drew a reaction from The Incredible Hulk actor Lou Ferrigno. Pic courtesy: 13thdimension.com
The video also drew a reaction from The Incredible Hulk actor Lou Ferrigno. Pic courtesy: 13thdimension.com

In under a week, the video has amassed around 8 million total views. It has also got replies from other actors like Lou Ferringo. Ferringo played The Hulk in the 1978’s TV series, The Incredible Hulk.

Mark Ruffalo was first seen as Bruce Banner/ The Hulk in 2012’s The Avengers. He replaced Edward Norton who starred as Hulk in The Incredible Hulk movie. Norton left due to creative differences, which is a shame. MCU could atleast have done a movie or two to show the actor replacement. Although there are a lot of fan theories going around about a particular scene in The Incredible Hulk which could help fans put everything neatly into the MCU timeline. 

Ruffalo has recently been seen playing Bruce Banner in Avengers: Endgame. Although when he will next reprise the role (or if he ever will) isn’t known yet.

Even if it isn’t certain when Hulk will return to the big screen yet, but his cousin She-hulk has a show coming out. So you might want to catch up on her origin story below before that:

(Source: CBR.com and hindustantimes.com)

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