According to the Mandalorian theory, The Children of the Watch may have ties with Darth Maul. The Mandalorian theory speculates whether Dark Maul formed the cult during his reign as the ruler of Mandalore.

The Mandalorian Theory: Who is The True Villian Of the Show.
The Mandalorian theory speculates whether Dark Maul formed the cult during his reign as the ruler of Mandalore.


Bo Katan’s remarks in the heiress about the Children of the watch raised many questions among the viewers. Viewers wonder why they are called zealots and if Dark Maul, a Darksider, may be behind the protective tribe of Din Djarin. This would mean Mando is part of a villainous group. It could also be a reference to a past Sith lord, displaying Darth Maul’s cult’s legacy.

According to a Reddit post by Devizz, the children of the watch have something in common with what would eventually become the First Order. Both of these groups take young children and introduce them to their way of life. The viewers believe that this idea was planted by Darth Maul, who himself had been abducted by Palpatine and raised under the Sith tradition.

The Recap

In the Clone Wars, Pre Vizsla led the night watch, a Mandalorian radical group who wished to revive Mandalore’s golden days. According to Vizsla, the former glory was a period of rejection of the pacifist government under Duchess Satine Kryze, filled with expansionist wars and the destruction of their planet’s environment.

In the meantime, they built destructive alliances with people that were ready to backstab them, like count Dooku, Darth Maul, and the separatists.  That was evident when Maul killed Pre Vizsla and claimed Mandalore for himself.  The Reddit post suggests that the children of the watch are the remnants of a cult Darth Maul created. Most likely during his short reign as the ruler of Mandalore.

At first glance, this theory seems solid; however, on closer inspection, we see some cracks.

The Mandalorian Theory: Who is The True Villian Of the Show.
Din Djarin

The Proposed Theory

If Maul created the children of the watch, then Din or The Armorer should have more knowledge about the force. Considering that Maul used it with abandon and most likely leveraged it as a leader of the cult. He would have used it as a tool to strengthen his cult. Secondly, it is unlikely that Paz Vizsla would remain in a cult that was formed by the murderer of his kin. Especially considering that Paz stated his dislike for the plunderers of Mandalorian Beskar.

Lost Connection  

They may be hiding their connection as they are ashamed to be related to their predecessors, who led to Mandalore’s fall and loss of the Darksaber. This may explain the hellish living conditions of the tribe, their strict moral laws, and the tints of penitent on their helmets. Although The children like Din Djarin may not know the reason for their atonement.  Perhaps like The rise of Skywalker showed Palpatine leading a Sith cult, Mandalore’s true villain may be a Sith cult, who besmirched the Children of the watch under Darth Maul’s rule.

What do you guys think? Leave your comments down below.

Source: We Got This



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