Following its highly anticipated release last month, Greta Gerwig’s Barbie film has exceeded all expectations, becoming an absolute sensation that has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. The internet has been buzzing with excitement, thanks in no small part to the countless memes that have been circulating, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to the film’s success. Among the playful jests and online banter, Margot Robbie remains unfazed by the distinct online fascination with her feet.

Margot Robbie
Margot Robbie

In an open and candid discussion, the accomplished Australian actress recounted her initial encounter with this intriguing internet phenomenon. During her first attempt at Googling herself, she distinctly recalled how Google’s search predictions functioned. This was during her early days in the industry, and she hadn’t really explored self-searches before. She keyed in ‘Margot Robbie,’ and even before she could finish typing ‘Robbie,’ the search results prominently displayed ‘Margot Robbie feet,’ catching her off guard.

Margot Robbie’s Playful Perspective on the Internet’s Foot Fascination


Fans took notice of Margot Robbie‘s feet not long ago, coinciding with the anticipation surrounding Greta Gerwig’s upcoming movie Barbie, where Robbie stars as the iconic doll herself. The intrigue among fans sparked when the primary trailer premiered in May, as they were captivated by the initial scene. This scene depicted Robbie’s foot maintaining the distinctive arched shape reminiscent of the Barbie doll’s pose, even after she exited her pink high-heeled shoe. Robbie herself revealed that this particular close-up shot required approximately eight attempts and was achieved without any special effects.

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“I walked up, we had little sticky bits on the floor, double-sided tape for the shoes, so they wouldn’t come off, so I could get my feet out of them,” she explained. “And I was holding on to, like, a bar. But that’s it. I wasn’t in a harness or anything like that. I just walked up, kind of held on to the bar above camera.”

Apart from her lead role in one of the most significant films of 2023, she has garnered the admiration of over 6,700 individuals who find her feet to be “beautiful.” While this particular accolade might raise eyebrows and be considered an unconventional accomplishment, Robbie is embracing it with a remarkable sense of ease and confidence. However, she seems to be handling the situation with poise and a sense of humor. Regarding her future aspirations, Robbie disclosed her desire to secure a role in Quentin Tarantino‘s final film. This revelation could potentially provide fans with more reasons to admire her—both for her acting prowess and her feet.

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Exploring Quentin Tarantino’s Fascination with Flawless Feet

Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino’s fondness for showcasing feet has evolved into a defining feature of his unique directorial approach. A quick search of “Quentin Tarantino foot fetish” on Google yields countless results chronicling his apparent preoccupation with feet, making it one of Hollywood’s most widely recognized hidden aspects. Throughout Tarantino’s cinematic journey, foot-centric scenes have sparked discussions among audiences.

Tarantino’s cinematic journey commenced with the release of Reservoir Dogs in 1992, receiving critical acclaim, yet his major breakthrough arrived in 1994 with Pulp Fiction, where his distinctive storytelling, visual style, and dialogue further solidified his signature. Pulp Fiction also marked the initial instances of Quentin Tarantino’s foot fascination, a theme that has persisted even in films where he held roles without directing. Here, we delve into the rationale behind Quentin Tarantino’s fixation on feet.

Margot Robbie’s feet have garnered attention before, notably in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood where her portrayal of Sharon Tate included a memorable feet-related scene. This spotlight on her feet was revived and intensified by her upcoming film Barbie. In the process of filming her role as Sharon Tate, Robbie revealed that Tarantino had asked her not to clean her feet to maintain an authentic appearance, as Tate often walked barefoot on set. Robbie complied, resulting in naturally dirty feet that remained consistent with Tarantino’s vision.

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