Hulk is easily one of the strongest characters in Marvel Comics, but there are times when he was beaten, and that too miserably. The Green Goliath bosts of many strengths and can go literal ape whenever he loses his cool. So far, we have not seen anything impressive from his side in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but that can change soon. He has some impressive feats in the comics, and some epic losses too. So, let’s talk about the times when Hulk was beaten in an over-the-top fashion. Check it out!

vs. Hawkeye

Hulk vs. Hawkeye in Civil War II
Hulk vs. Hawkeye in Civil War II

Pretty confusing right? Well, in Civil War II, Hulk and Banner finally separate from each other and Hawkeye continued to shoot arrows at Banner. He later stands for trial and claims that Banner asked him to finish him if he ever starts transforming into Hulk. He also claims that Banner gave him the required tools to end the beast.

vs. Hulk

Hulk vs. Maestro in Future Imperfect #2
Hulk vs. Maestro in Future Imperfect #2

In Future Imperfect #2, Hulk goes crazy from a combination of radiation and grief and takes on the moniker Maestro. In this alternate universe, he rules his empire with an iron fist. So, when he meets a young Hulk, he knows already what he’s going to do. To much surprise, he goes behind young Hulk and snaps his neck.

Hulk vs. Zeus

Hulk vs. Zeus in The Incredible Hulks #622
Hulk vs. Zeus in The Incredible Hulks #622

In The Incredible Hulks #622, Banner collects an incredible posse of Hulks, including his son Skaar,  his wife Betsy Ross; his cousin, She-Hulk; and his long-time sidekick, Rick Jones, aka A-Bomb. After going through a plethora of Greek gods, he meets Zeus. However, God gives Hulk a beating of his lifetime.

vs. Red Hulk

Hulk vs. Red Hulk in Hulk #4 and #11
Hulk vs. Red Hulk in Hulk #4 and #11

The Red Hulk first appears in Hulk #4 and shocks the Marvel universe after he quickly beats the original Hulk, breaks his arm, and secures his victory. They meet once again  Hulk #11, where Red Hulk drives a trident right through the original goliath.

vs. Deadpool

Hulk v. Deadpool in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe
Hulk v. Deadpool in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe

This is from a time when Deadpool literally kills the entire Marvel universe, including Hulk. Even though the fight was short, it wasn’t pleasant. Written and drawn by Cullen Bunn and Dalibor Talajic in 2012, Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe shows the Merc with a Mouth with no mercy whatsoever. 

vs. Wolverine

Hulk vs. Logan in Old Man Logan
Hulk vs. Logan in Old Man Logan

The Old Man Logan stories tell the tale of a reality where the bad guys finally get it together to eliminate Marvel heroes. Only the strongest survived, including Wolverine. However, he was past his violent days. He eventually meets Hulk and he devours Logan and enjoys his meal. However, he doesn’t factor in Logan’s healing abilities. Logan later emerges from his belly so you can expect the scene.

vs. The Red Menace

Hulk vs. The Red Menace in Marvel Comics
Hulk vs. The Red Menace in Marvel Comics

In Hulk #4, readers learn about a new red Hulk who is merciless and kills people. Of course, he soon faces the original Hulk and things do not go well and he made the green beast look like a toy.

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