Marvel Is Ready To Explore The Multiverse In Phase 4

Spider-Man: Far From Home‘s Mysterio is a bonafide liar. While he definitely didn’t come from another dimension but the multiverse is still very much part of the MCU. Lets take a look at how it is so:

The Multiverse As Told By Quentin Beck Is Fake

Quentin Beck/Mysterio lied about the multiverse. Pic courtesy:
Quentin Beck/Mysterio lied about the multiverse. Pic courtesy:

When the idea of the multiverse was introduced in Far From Home it left viewers divided. Some argued that Mysterio was hardly a reliable source since he is a villain in the comics who is known for his illusions. But others said that MCU has been teasing the multiverse for years. So maybe it was time for them to properly introduce it after all. The ultimate truth of the matter is that everything Mysterio said about the Multiverse in Far From Home was a lie. Quentin Beck was just a down-on-his-luck scientist who formerly worked for Stark Industries. He became frustrated because men like Tony Stark got all the glory. So he and several other disgruntled employees banded together and used holographic technology to get the fame they thought they deserved. But it their antics don’t mean that the MCU multiverse doesn’t exist.

The Multiverse Does Exist In The MCU

Dr. Erik Selvig explains the multiverse in Thor: The Dark World. Pic courtesy:
Dr. Erik Selvig explains the multiverse in Thor: The Dark World. Pic courtesy:

MCU first began teasing the multiverse in the Thor movies. There was one key scene in Thor: The Dark World where astrophysicist Dr. Erik Selvig jotted down notes on the multiverse. The notes includes real world theories about the multiverse as well as Marvel specific Easter eggs too. These Easter eggs include the 616 universe, the Nexus of All Realities as well as the two dimensional gateways called the Fault and the Crossroads. Following on from that, there was the Grandmaster tower in Thor: Ragnarok which confirmed that a Marvel Character known as the Man-Thing had been one of the Grandmaster’s previous Champions. In the comics, the Man Thing is the guardian of the Nexus of All Realities.

Along with the Thor movies, the multiverse has been explored in both Ant-Man and Doctor Strange franchises. It was done as the Quantum Realm in Ant-Man. In Doctor Strange it was revealed that this was just one of the countless dimensions. Even in Avengers: Endgame when the heroes go on their Time Heist they create separate timelines everytime they displace the Infinity stones.

Exploration Of The Multiverse In Phase 4 Of MCU

Loki escaping with the tesseract in 2012 created a new timeline. Pic courtesy:
Loki escaping with the tesseract in 2012 created a new timeline. Pic courtesy:

Even though the multivere didn’t feature in Spider-Man: Far From Home, future Marvel movies will surely deal with them. From Doctor Strange 2 to Loki escaping with the tesseract in the 2012 timeline in Avengers: Endgame, everything is poised for Marvel’s exploration of the multiverse.

Check out how the multiverse will affect the MCU in the video below:

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