With Kang’s Dynasty out of the way, Marvel is scrambling to find a new storyline that excites fans as much as the previous one. Jonathan Majors’ guilty verdict threw a curveball in Marvel’s ambitious phase 5 and 6 plans. It is quite well-known that a studio like Marvel plans movies and story arcs way ahead of time to build a buzz and hype up the culmination into grand ensemble movies.

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Marvel’s Plans For Avengers 5 and 6

Jonathan Majors
Jonathan Majors has been dropped as Kang the Conquerer

Stretching till 2027, Marvel had big plans to spread out the movies that introduce individual young heroes and as the group bands together for an ultimate showdown against an evil all-powerful villain. The Infinity Saga culminated in the Avengers coming together and defeating Thanos while the Multiverse Saga was supposed to see our beloved superheroes against Kang and his variants. However, it appears that the studio is scrapping those plans and gearing up for a different ending to the phases.

Jeff Sneider’s newsletter appears to be the primary source of the speculation that Marvel will split the Avengers 6 movie into two parts. Reportedly, the ensemble action flick is five hours long which might be divided into two parts with the second section releasing a year after.

It seems like the entire Multiversal Saga was built on Majors’ shoulders as he was portraying the central character – Kang who sat at the end of time. He was last seen in Loki season 2 which ended with Loki taking on the throne at the end of time and holding the entire branch of timelines together. The ending is smart because in some ways it does take the focus away from Kang and puts Loki at the epicentre.

Also Read: Loki May Have Already Revealed the Final Battlefield Where Kang Fights Avengers in Secret Wars

Who Will Be In Avengers 5 and 6?

upcoming Avengers: Avengers Secret Wars
Avengers: Secret Wars

While plans for Kang Dynasty have been scrapped, the plot of the movie is not decided yet. Secret Wars which is reportedly being cut into two parts is based on a 1984–85 comic written by Jim Shooter and a 2015–16 comic written by Jonathan Hickman. The comics showcase the band of superheroes uniting on a mythical planet Battleworld. As the name suggests, we might see high-octane action sequences in the movies. The Multiversal saga is converging various diverse story arcs in Secret Wars, offering newer layers to the already expansive MCU.

We will get to see the young and dynamic gang of superheroes come together in Secret Wars. Spider-man, Ms Marvel, America Chavez, Shang Chi, and Ironheart will be the frontrunners. On the other hand, our veteran Avengers including Thor, Hulk, and Doctor Strange will also possibly return to guide the new protectors of Earth.

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