Marvel Star Patrick Stewart Was Waiting to Get Fired While Filming Popular Star Trek Series
Sir Patrick Stewart has become a household name with his work in the entertainment industry. The British actor has amused audiences worldwide with a variety of projects in a career spanning over seven decades. Known for his elaborate work, the actor achieved multiple accolades for his remarkable performances in film and TV appearances alike. Most notable of the roles Stewart has played is of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, which apparently the thespian was waiting to get fired from.
Sir Patrick Stewart was Once A Novice

Often is the case that actors do a project unwillingly, either they are contractually bound or it comes as an important opportunity to build a career. Whatever might be the case being part of something you don’t like is not that uncommon in Hollywood. Situations such as these occur for stars who have already sort of established themselves in the industry. But for the newcomers, it is a completely different scenario. Or at least it was for Patrick Stewart.

Stewart was once a beginner, unsure and naive of things. He had made a leap of faith from his fairly successful career as a stage actor to the world of TV and cinema. It is strange to imagine a legendary actor like him having trepidation over a role. But as every master was once a beginner. And Stewart too felt the fears and apprehensions of starting something new in his life.
Read More: “Could be an extraordinary movie”: Star Trek’s Patrick Stewart Wants a Picard Solo Project
Patrick Stewart was Unsure of his Place in Star Trek: Next Generation

Getting the role of Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: Next Generation was the game changer in Patrick Stewart’s life. However, getting the role was too surreal of a thing to happen to the Logan actor. More than that, going from classic plays to an extraterrestrial world of imagination proved challenging for the veteran actor.
Having acted for years and yet Stewart found himself a little out of place on the set of Star Trek: Next Generation. He was so skeptical of the whole thing that he did not even unpack his suitcase for six months. Speaking of his inhibitions in an interview, Stewart said (via The Little Facts):
“I can remember shooting the pilot and not knowing what I was doing. I didn’t know how to walk. I didn’t know how to wear my spacesuit, or anything. I didn’t know what was going on. I am amazed they didn’t fire me.”
It is comforting to know new beginnings are scary for everyone.
Source: IMDB and The Little Facts