Fourth of July was filled with heavy rains and a distorted speech. But in the comicbook book world it was a chance to celebrate the sentinel of Liberty- Captain America. So on Thursday the official Marvel Studios Twitter account shared a motion poster or GIF of Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans) from Avengers: Endgame, with a cheerful message of “Happy Birthday America”. That GIF which they attached was something, let’s say, really unique.

The Fourth Of July America’s Ass GIF

The real reason why we all follow the MCU. Pic courtesy:
The real reason why we all follow the MCU. Pic courtesy:

Of course those who have seen Endgame know that the scene which Marvel Studios Twitter was referring to is an iconic one. Check out the tweet below:

This refers to the instantly iconic line about “America’s Ass”. The scene saw a 2025s version of Steve meeting his younger self from 2012’s The Avengers, and ultimately realizing that the suit’s only redeeming quality was that it made his ass look good.

Stephen McFeely, Endgame co-writer explained the scene as:

“It’s a little meta. Chris Evans has never been comfortable with that outfit from the first Avengers movie. And so in the rearview, it’s a little way to wink at how that was then, and this is now. And then it sort of just built from there. By the time we got to the fight scene where he defeated himself, his butt is on the ground and he was just sitting there for a callback.”

Other Endgame co-writer Christopher Markus said about the first Captain America suit from Avengers that:

“I think it’s the color, but also his ears are covered in that outfit. When he puts on the helmet, he has these little princess Leia dents over his ears and it throws the whole thing off. You wouldn’t normally think that an ear is an important part of an outfit, but it balances everything in a way that when they go, you look dorky.”

Chris Evans Talks About Time Continuity Disputes In Avengers: Endgame

The timelines mix-n-match has left many fans confused. Pic courtesy: marvelmovienews
The timelines mix-n-match has left many fans confused. Pic courtesy: marvelmovienews

Even though Endgame was full of momentous moments but there were still some things which were contentious for fans. Chris Evans sure has also received tweets of such and he said at ACE Comic Con Seattle that:

“You know, I’m not sure I can give you those answers. That’s weak as shit, but ask the writers. Look, I understand there’s a lot of things you can question about the time continuity but if there’s one thing I’ve learned about working with Marvel, they don’t leave stones unturned. They really don’t.”

Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home are in theatres now.

Watch the best Captain America fight scenes below:

Captain America - Fight Moves Compilation(CW included) HD

(Source: and

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