In the last few years, Superhero movies have become the biggest genre in filmmaking. All thanks to the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Back in 2007, they released Iron Man and their success have inspired others to do similar work. Since Disney officially acquired Fox, this genre is about to get more complicated. This apparently put Fox properties like X-Men in jeopardy. But ‘The House of Mouse’ already made it clear that the Deadpool franchise was here to stay!

Marvel's Kevin Feige Says, Disney Wont't be Changinf Deadpool
Marvel’s Kevin Feige Says, Disney Won’t be Changing Deadpool

We aren’t sure how Ryan Reynolds’ signature legionnaire Deadpool will work under the Disney umbrella. Even his possible inclusion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is quite questionable.

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Kevin Feige’s Comments on Disney’s Deadpool

We know that fans may be concerned about the Deadpool franchise being held back in the new studio. But, Kevin Feige is here to calm your fears. He recently spoke about Disney CEO Bob Iger’s intentions about Deadpool with Wade Wilson, and he said:

“When we were purchased, Bob said to us, ‘If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.’ There’s no question that Deadpool is working, so why would we change it?”

Sounds like a relief!

Deadpool’s future with the MCU is still a mystery. But filmaholics should rest easy knowing that Ryan Reynolds’ franchise won’t be given the Disney gloss for future installments. So we should expect plenty of violence, cursing, and fourth-wall-breaking in Deadpool 3 and/or X-Force.

Kevin Feige’s comments to Variety should assure many Deadpool fans out there who might be nervous about his adoption by Disney. The franchise became a massive success because Ryan Reynolds brought something unique to the table. His way of referencing various cinematic universes and even Wade Wilson’s constant joke making aren’t family friendly. It is this comedic approach to the genre that has resonated with audiences, as well as casual moviegoers who simply want to enjoy an R-rated comedy!

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Lately, Deadpool’s R-rated comedy has been a huge concern. Kevin Feige’s recent statement indicated that Bob Iger isn’t planning on making any liberal changes to the successful property. The details regarding the Disney and Fox deal are still coming to light for the public. But one thing is clear, Wade Wilson is going to have a field day referencing the events of the merger when he returns to theatres.


(Source: Variety and CinemaBlend)

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