• The 7th Infinity Stone, which contains the consciousness of Nemesis, could present a plotline to reintroduce Kit Harington's Black Knight.
  • In the comics, Black Knight defeats Nemesis by destroying the Ego Stone with his Ebony Blade.
  • Despite the post-credits tease in Eternals, Kit Harington has expressed uncertainty about his future in the MCU.

There was a time when the Infinity Stones took center stage in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Those six cosmic stones had the ability to keep existence in balance. However, Marvel might be hiding one more out there somewhere, and it might somehow connect to one of MCU’s upcoming characters.

Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Infinity War | Credit: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/Marvel Studios

It was quite a pleasant surprise for Game of Thrones fans when they saw Kit Harington’s appearance in Eternals as Dane Whitman, and everyone thought he was going to be the Black Knight. But then, there was nothing like that.

7th Infinity Stone Could Bring Black Knight Into the MCU

Nemesis | Credit:

So far, MCU has introduced six infinity stones- Space, Time, Power, Reality, Mind and Soul. However, there is a way through which Kit Harington can finally be seen as the Black Knight in the MCU and it is related to a secret 7th Infinity Stone.

It is none other than the Ego Stone or Ego Gem. Ego Stone does not belong to the main Marvel universe. Rather, it is from an alternate universe called the Ultraverse and it is not like the other stones that the audience has seen. It has the ability to control and possess its wielder.

Ego Stone is actually alive, in a way. It contains the consciousness of a cosmic being called Nemesis. Nemesis is a powerful, omnipotent being who is powerful enough to reshape the universe, but in the comics, it gets into a battle with both the Avengers and another group from the Ultraverse called Ultraforce.

It was a cosmic fight that went out of proportion. But here lies the interesting way through which Black Knight can enter the MCU. In that cosmic battle, he plays a crucial role in defeating Nemesis. He uses his Ebony Blade to strike Nemesis’ crown and destroys the Ego Stone.

Now, Eternals teased Kit Harington as Black Knight, and he uncovered the Ebony Blade, but then the screen cut to black with the background voice of Mahershala Ali, who is going to play the role of Blade. This could be the perfect setup for Harington’s return, where he is wielding that mystical sword against a threat as big as Nemesis.

Moreover, the Ego Stone’s origin is tied to the creation of the universe, and it has been established in Eternals that celestials were the creators of galaxies and life forms. This could also play an important role in redeeming that movie and tying it more closely to the broader MCU. 

Kit Harington’s MCU Future

Kit Harington in Eternals
Kit Harington in Eternals | Credit: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/Marvel Studios

Kit Harington played Dane Whitman in Eternals where he was mostly shown as a normal guy dating an Eternal. But comic fans know there is more to Whitman, and he is destined to become the Black Knight, where he will wield the cursed Ebony Blade.

Harington’s role was pretty small, but that post-credits scene left all fans wanting more. The audience saw Whitman was about to touch the Ebony Blade, and Marvel ended the movie on a cliffhanger. 

But here is where things get a bit foggy. In an interview with Screen Rant, Kit Harington talked about his MCU future, and it is not exactly what fans were hoping for. He said,

I don’t know, though. The honest answer is nothing’s in the works at the moment. If they decide to use the character in something, or as a solo thing, I’d be very excited by it. But I don’t think it’s planned at the moment.

Harington is quite interested in his character, as he loves the “idea of a good guy being turned bad by his superpower.” However, as of now, it doesn’t look like Marvel is planning to work on Eternals or Black Knight anytime soon. 

But Marvel is notoriously secretive as well. In the best-case scenario, Harington becomes an important part of this Ego Stone storyline, or at least gets a solo show on Disney+. And the worst case could be anything, probably ignoring the character for years too.

Eternals is available for streaming on Disney+.

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