The real Targaryen drama is happening off-screen! The always-flawless-haired Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith) of House of the Dragon revealed something of a hidden detail. While fans swoon over Smith’s golden locks in the series, he seems to have a complex connection with his on-stage wig.

Matt Smith speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for Entertainment Weekly's "Brave New Warriors" panel
Matt Smith speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for Entertainment Weekly’s “Brave New Warriors” panel | Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

Let’s delve into this hilarious world of wigs (and wig names) and uncover Smith’s secret obsession with an actress that snuck its way into the fiery world of HBO’s HOTD!

Wigging Out: Matt Smith’s Secret Jennifer Coolidge Tribute in House of the Dragon

Matt Smith on FedCon 2017 | Wikimedia/crosathorian
Matt Smith’s speech during FedCon 2017 | Wikimedia/crosathorian

Matt Smith, the infamous HBO’s House of the Dragon’s Daemon Targaryen, revealed his unexpected source of inspiration: the Best in Show actress, Jennifer Coolidge. Fans are hella obsessed with Daemon’s beautiful golden locks—yes, indeed, his hair’s always serving! However, Smith has a “love-hate relationship” with the wig, even though the fandom believes otherwise. Unbelievably, this intricate relationship to his on-screen haircut has resulted in a secret element in the program.

In a lighthearted conversation with Olivia Marks on Hits Radio, Matt Smith (Daemon Targaryen), Evan Mitchell (Lord Lyonel Strong) and Fabien Frankel (Ser Criston Cole) disclosed a humorous secret. Marks revealed that actor Steve Touissant’s (Corlis Velaryon) wig is called Ken. Smith jokes freely, “Perhaps Gosling got in the psyche of Steve, and I think some of that Kenergy is gonna come his way.”

When asked what Smith would name his wig, he acknowledged his infatuation for actress Jennifer Coolidge, saying, “I don’t know where to begin because I have such a love-hate relationship with the wig, Jennifer. I can’t call my wig Jennifer Coolidge—I love her!” It seems Smith has incorporated his affection for the actress into the complex HOTD universe. 

Guess now, the fandom will probably be closely examining Daemon’s wig with a fresh curiosity, looking for the mark of Jennifer Coolidge’s unexpected influence—whether it’s a subtly subtle style allusion or a deftly hidden feature.

HOTD Season 2 Premieres with Targaryen War on the Horizon

Matt Smith as Prince Daemon Targaryen from House of Dragon | GRRM
Matt Smith as Prince Daemon Targaryen from House of Dragon | GRRM

The second season of the Game of Thrones prequel will air on Monday, June 17. Ahead of its premiere, last week’s UK premiere in London’s Leicester Square saw series actors walk the red carpet. 

House of the Dragon, which is based on George R. R. Martin‘s Fire & Blood, is set some 200 years before the events of GOT. Westeros is on the verge of a catastrophic civil war in the upcoming season, with the Black and Green Councils vying for King Aegon and Queen Rhaenyra, respectively.

Naturally, the author plays a significant role in the prequel’s creation. But Smith, who plays Rhaenyra’s uncle and second husband, Daemon Targaryen, acknowledged that there were moments when it was difficult to read his mind. “He always seems pretty enthused by it, and I think he seems to like it,” Smith said.

With HOTD season 2 premiering tomorrow, fans are eagerly awaiting to uncover what might happen between the Blacks and Greens.

Watch the series House of the Dragon only on HBO!

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