Beau DeMayo’s animated television series X-Men ’97 is a revival of 1992’s X-Men: The Animated Series. The story is a continuation of the original story as the team faces new challenges following the death of their leader. Ray Chase, Lenore Zann, Jennifer Hale, Cal Dodd, and more voice the characters on the show produced by Marvel Studios.

Lenore Zann
Lenore Zann returned as the voice of Rogue on X-Men ’97 | Marvel Studios

The first season premiered on March 20, 2024, and opened up to a positive response from the audience and the critics. It was reported that for the revival series, recasting was done to have a more authentic representation, which was appreciated by the audience. Variety has predicted that one of the actresses from the series will win an Emmy Award for her performance, and fans have now reacted to it.

Lenore Zann, predicted to win an Emmy Award for her character Rogue on X-Men ’97

Actress Lenore Zann has been the voice of Rogue in various X-Men series and games, including 1992’s X-Men: The Animated Series, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes, and more. The actress reprised her role as Rogue for the revival series X-Men ’97, and now Variety has predicted that she is the frontrunner to win an award at the 76th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards for Character Voice Over.

Zann is predicted to be nominated alongside Michael Cera and Kieran Culkin for their voice acting in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, Maya Rudolph for Big Mouth, and Jeffrey Wright for What If…? Upon reading the prediction of the publication, ardent fans of X-Men ’97 were quick to share their opinion on the same, stating that she deserves it for her performance.

MCU's X-Men '97 starring Lenore Zann
Lenore Zann as Rogue | Marvel Studios

A user quoted her line from the series by mentioning, She better! That ‘I can’t touch you, Remy!’ Followed by ‘I can’t feel you at the end’, just broke me. So glad she returned. Another user mentioned that ‘she and Alison did phenomenal work this season. A fan tweeted that if she doesn’t win an Emmy, then throw the whole award away.’

According to Den of GeekZann’s Rogue in X-Men ’97 not only finds herself in a burgeoning love affair with Magneto but is also shown enduring the death of Gambit. In her interview with the publication, the actress was asked if she felt the pressure of carrying the latter half of the show alongside Alison Sealy-Smith, who is the voice of Storm.

Lenore Zann said that she lives for emotional roles, loves the extremes, and loves being able to plummet to those in debt. She added that being able to play Rogue was a gift for her, adding that she was glad that through Gambit’s death, she was able to express her grief because she was already grieving the death of her young niece.

The actress noted that she channeled all of that into her role so that other people who are going through something similar could hear her and would be able to resonate with her.

Lenore Zann talks about relating to her character of Rogue from X-Men ’97

During her interview with Den of Geek, the actress was asked if her real-life personality was somehow related to the character she was playing on screen, to which she said, 

It was hard. I had to keep reimaging myself trying to fit in, and it was lonely. I often retreated to a world of imagination. I wrote poetry. I wrote short stories. My dad helped with that because he was a writer as well, and he encouraged that. I found my world of imagination was my friend, where I was oftentimes alone. So I can relate to Rogue in her search to belong.

MCU's X-Men '97
Lenore Zann relates to her character of Rogue | Marvel Studios

Zann moved to Canada from Australia when she was eight. In her conversation with Cinema Blend, she was asked about her character’s future after she witnessed the deaths of Magneto and Gambit. She said,

I look at this as a microcosm of a macrocosm. What’s happening in the world today is that we are witnessing similar scenes to what Rogue and the others are witnessing in the devastation of Genosha, and it’s overwhelming. Many people react with anger, some react with fear, and some just get numb and shocked.

The actress continued that some people rise to the challenge to try and change things and rectify the situation. She concluded that she’d not give any spoilers but would say that Rogue is just the beginning of her real journey. X-Men ’97’s second season is in production, and the third is in development.

X-Men ’97 can be streamed on Disney+.

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