MCU Heroes Moon Knight Can Easily Beat
Marvel’s Moon Knight is an interesting character. His presence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will affect established characters and storylines as his series develops. But this fact doesn’t seem to matter to fans who are excited for the presence of yet another comic book vibe character in the MCU. Though Marvel is a bit late to the Moon Knight party, they are certainly making up for it by introducing the character in a live-action format. In this regard, what if Marvel decides to put this character in a cross-over event someday? Whom he could beat? Here’s a list of some of the many MCU heroes Moon Knight can easily defeat –
Moon Knight Can Defeat Taskmaster
The multi-talented assassin in Marvel Comics known as Taskmaster has been able to copy the fighting styles of every opponent he’s faced. In the comics Moon Knight Vol 5 issues five and six, he and Moon Knight duked it out in an epic showdown. Though the conflict ended abruptly, it proved that Moon Knight could easily take down Taskmaster if only he is shocked with some sort of fear.
Related: Marvel Comics : Black Widow’s Worst Taskmaster Mistake Was Just Revealed

Moon Knight Can Defeat The Punisher
Despite being considered anti-heroes, Moon Knight and Punisher aren’t exactly on the same moralistic page. These vigilante characters may be famous for their killing sprees and violent history – it makes sense they’d fight each other as often as they do. Unfortunately, these two frequently come to blows even when working together! In Marc Spector: Moon Knight Issue #21, the Punisher failed to retaliate after Moon Knight beat him down.

Moon Knight Can Defeat Deadpool
The brawl between Deadpool and Moon Knight took place in Vengeance of Moon Knight Issues 7 and 8. These two aren’t afraid to throw down and go for the kill. Although it’s not a real battle (they’re both under mind control), watching these two super-powered characters take each other out of their respective stories remains one of the craziest fights in Marvel Comics history. Though Deadpool prefers a gun with poisoned rounds, his technical skills and fighting abilities get downplayed while facing Moon Knight.
Related: Moon Knight vs. Deadpool: Who’s The More Unhinged Lunatic Vigilante?

Moon Knight Can Defeat Daredevil
Daredevil and Moon Knight are classic examples of how two heroic individuals who couldn’t be any more different can sometimes end up on the same side. While at first, they couldn’t find common ground, their initially antagonistic relationship evolved into a friendship that these days seems more inseparable than ever. However, in Moon Knight #13, Daredevil underwent a fight against Moon Knight. During the fight, Moon Knight managed to blow Daredevil’s face effortlessly. Soon, they became closest allies with time.

Moon Knight Can Defeat Spider-Man
Moon Knight never received his own solo title in the Ultimate universe, but he eventually became a recurring character within several comic runs, particularly those following Spider-Man in Ultimate Spider-Man. He engages Spider-Man and he flees. This is how Moon Knight wins the battle against Spider-Man in Ultimate Spider-Man #80.
Related: How Moon Knight Takes Its Surprising Inspiration From Todd Phillips’ Joker

Watch the latest episodes of Marvel’s Moon Knight on Disney+ now.