Michael Jackson established himself as The King of Pop who had a major influence on music, dance, and fashion. Along with that, his publicized personal life also contributed to making him a global figure in popular culture. With the immense success he had, one would probably think that he would be happy in his life, however, the truth was otherwise.

Michael Jackson
American Pop Culture Icon, Michael Jackson

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The late singer, according to recent reports, was devastated all because of the personal issues he had in his relationships. One of the major heartbreak he received was when his then-wife, Lisa Marie Presley stabbed him in the back.

Lisa Marie Presley Deceived Michael Jackson by Filing For Divorce

Lisa Marie Presley with Michael Jackson
Lisa Marie Presley with Michael Jackson

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A new report has opened up about the dark past of the late singer, Lisa Marie Presley, and Michael Jackson‘s relationship. The former pair started their friendship in 1992 and went on to marry each other two years later.

Though their relationship did not last long, as the former filed for divorce from Jackson on January 18, 1996. Elsewhere, she shared that she “just had enough” adding that it took her “a good two years” to be able to come out from their relationship.

However, it wasn’t just that. As per TMZ, the King of Pop’s former makeup artist Karen Faye shared how his ex-wife pulled a dirty trick to deceive him. She convinced MJ that their marriage should be given a second chance, however, stunned him when she herself filed for divorce.

Faye testified at court that Presley “was calling Michael, begging him not to divorce her.” She shared that the former couple “weren’t getting along. She said, ‘Let’s try to work this out.'”

However, the late singer-dancer stood steadfast in his opinions stating, “‘No, I don’t think it’s going to work.’ She begged and begged, ‘Please don’t file, please don’t file.'” After begging and convincing him for so long, he finally let his guard down and promised her that he would not be filing for divorce. However, it was a big mistake on his side as she filed for divorce the very next morning after convincing his former beau not to file a divorce against her.

Michael Jackson’s Devasted Over Lisa Marie Presley’s Betrayal

Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley
Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley

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After realizing what happened to him, the star was completely heartbroken as he had planned to give another chance to their failing relationship. However, Presley’s betrayal was much more for him to handle.

The former makeup artist shared,

“He was devastated. He had decided to really try again with her. Then she turned around and did that.”

Interviewer Ian Halperin who is preparing for his unauthorized biography, Unmasked: The Final Years of Michael Jackson, commented on the matter stating that the mother of three had planned the strategy quite well which ended up leaving her former beau “emotionally and physically wounded.” The wound he received from Presley pushed him to prescription medication that eventually affected him a lot.

Jackson passed away at age 50 in 2009 due to a drug overdose, meanwhile, Presley passed away on 12 January 2023 after suffering a cardiac arrest.

Source: TMZ

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