Ever since television shows were a thing, the recipe to success keeps varying. Each show has a certain aspect that speaks to the audience and makes the show great. It could be action, comedy, compelling storylines, and more. However, some shows are dedicated to making you cry your eyes out. Some of the shows are so emotional that it gets a bit too much, but it isn’t a downside. So let’s talk about some of the most emotionally traumatizing shows that WILL make you cry!

BoJack Horseman

Emotionally traumatising shows that will make you cry
Emotionally traumatizing shows that will make you cry

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There is no doubt that BoJack Horseman is a cult classic show and enjoys a huge fanbase. As mentioned above, there is at least one aspect that speaks to the audience. And in the case of BoJack Horseman, it’s the brutal honesty. It will leave you down in the dumps and hit you when you least expect it. It touches on sensitive topics like depression, abuse, and so on. Regardless, this is a show that you shouldn’t miss.


Emotionally traumatising shows that will make you cry
Emotionally traumatizing shows that will make you cry

Parenthood has heart-breaking scenes back to back and you cannot catch a break. However, that is important for this show because it’s a realistic drama show which needs emotional depth. From the very first episode till the finale, you’ll find some really heavy scenes. But nothing beats the scene when Kristina is diagnosed with breast cancer.

The Leftovers

Emotionally traumatising shows that will make you cry
Emotionally traumatizing shows that will make you cry

The Leftovers is a show solely built on grief. Well, this is something you need to know before you start watching it. The show starts with a bunch of people missing, but a baby too. One of the saddest scenes is when Susan dives in front of a moving truck, killing herself and her family.

A Million Little Things

Emotionally traumatising shows that will make you cry
Emotionally traumatizing shows that will make you cry

A Million Little Things is based on a character who takes his own life, and that right away sets the tone. But this is not where it ends. The show brings in characters that are dealing with their demons and it adds to the emotional pressure of the show. Everything related to Gary’s cancer is a tear-jerker and way too emotional.

This Is Us

Jack's death in This Is Us
Jack’s death in This Is Us

Just like the shows mentioned above, This Is Us also jumps from one sad episode to the next without hesitation. While the show has many hard moments, one stands out in particular, i.e, the passing of Jack. While it was revealed earlier that he will die, witnessing it on screen was tough. This Is Us is worth a watch. Which show is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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