In 2012, the film Avengers vs. X-Men (written by a variety of writers) was released. It catered to fans who were always interested in seeing which superteam would emerge victorious in no-holds-barred combat. The series has been criticized for being a meaningless attempt to sell books only on the headline value of the namesake title matches. Despite these flaws, the book is still a fun, action-packed read. It may not disintegrate each character into 3 dimensions, but it compensates with amazing combat and exciting match-ups that highlight some of Marvel‘s strongest character interactions. Here are some of the ‘Most Epic Avengers vs. X-Men Fight Scenes‘.

Iron Man Vs Magneto 

Iron Man Vs Magneto - X-Men
Iron Man Vs Magneto

When the Armored Avenger and Magneto battled, it was instantly revealed that Tony Stark had prepared an anti-magnetic field device for the enemy. As one of the most dangerous persons on the planet, it would be foolish of Stark not to prepare for a fight with such a well-known mutant mastermind.

Hawkeye Vs Angel

Hawkeye Vs Angel - X-Men
Hawkeye Vs Angel

In AVX #5, the fight was a knock-down, drag-out encounter that left both leaders scarred and battered. Any Hawkeye by Matt Fraction is fantastic, which may explain (spoiler alert) why Hawkeye defeats Angel with some inventiveness. Yu’s art is gritty and detailed, resulting in a wonderful match between the tone of the prose and the aesthetics of the panels.

Black Panther Vs Storm

Black Panther Vs Storm - X-Men
Black Panther Vs Storm

Storm and Black Panther were married and became Wakanda’s co-rulers. When the two found themselves on conflicting sides of the battle, it resulted in a very personal struggle. Storm ends the fight by discarding her wedding ring, suggesting to T’Challa that the issues that their fight has brought will not be resolved by the end of the event. There were no winners, as the final card states.

Toad Vs Jarvis

Edwin Jarvis
Edwin Jarvis

Toad meets his match when Edwin Jarvis returns home to put things right after being sent on a quest by Emma Frost to steal the data from Avengers Tower. This combat from AVX #6 by Christopher Hastings, Jacob Chabot, and Joe Caramagna pitted the unstoppable force against the immovable object. The Marvel Universe will never be the same when both men’s principles and personal ideologies are pushed to the limit. 

The Phoenix Five Vs Mister Sinister

The Phoenix Five Vs Mister Sinister
The Phoenix Five Vs Mister Sinister

The Phoenix Five launch an all-out assault on their old foe’s stronghold after gaining the might of the Phoenix Force. In this confrontation, that takes place in Kieron Gillen’s Uncanny X-Men run, they had no idea that Mister Sinister has several tricks up his sleeve. The most prominent must go to an army of self-detonating Gambit replicas who are always spouting French.

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