

Who Was The Better Jean Grey: Famke Janssen Or Sophie Turner?
Who Was The Better Jean Grey: Famke Janssen Or Sophie Turner?

Nobody would have anticipated that X-Men would become such a huge franchise. It has given us amazing movies and characters. The quality of the movies

Wolverine: What Is The Limit To His Godlike Healing Factor?
Wolverine: What Is The Limit To His Godlike Healing Factor?

The godlike healing factor of Wolverine is one of his most recognizable characteristics. He can heal from a range of wounds because of this mutant talent. While some

Most Epic Avengers vs. X-Men Fight Scenes, Ranked
Most Epic Avengers vs. X-Men Fight Scenes, Ranked

In 2012, the film Avengers vs. X-Men (written by a variety of writers) was released. It catered to fans who were always interested in seeing

5 Things About Fox’s X-Men Films That Have Aged Poorly
5 Things About Fox’s X-Men Films That Have Aged Poorly

The X-Men franchise has a reputation of being somewhat inconsistent. Fox has managed to keep the franchise alive but the reception from both, critics and

Most Powerful Omega Level Mutants Who Were X-Men, Ranked
Most Powerful Omega Level Mutants Who Were X-Men, Ranked

The X-Men have been home to very powerful Omega Level Mutants. Here are some Omega Level Mutants that are the best and brightest of the

Has The X-Men Movie Writer Accidentally Leaked MCU Daredevil Reboot?
Has The X-Men Movie Writer Accidentally Leaked MCU Daredevil Reboot?

Previously, X-Men movie writer David Hayter commented that there is a Daredevil reboot in the Marvel Studios, but he later retconned his comments. Could he have accidentally