After nearly a decade, Kohei Horikoshi’s popular shonen manga, My Hero Academia, is finally coming to a close. Having sold over 100 million copies, with over 424 chapters published, the story follows the young protagonist, Izuku Midoriya’s path to becoming the greatest hero.

Chapter 424, which was titled Epilogue, showed the aftermath of the final fight/war against All For One and gave us a glimpse into a fresh new start for the Hero Society in the world. However, given that My Hero Academia Chapter 425 still has 3 days to be released, we have managed to get our hands on some spoilers for the chapter.

My Hero Academia’s Chapter 245 spoilers give fans a glimmer of hope

Deku (My Hero Academia- Chapter 424)
Deku (My Hero Academia- Chapter 424)

Chapter 424 of My Hero Academia made sure to bring out the waterworks among fans. The spoilers for chapter 425 suggest that it starts after a time skip to June, where the third-year students along with the Big Three are finally graduating from U.A. High School. Aizawa is once again the homeroom teacher for class 2-A (1-A) and the class even has a new addition with Hitoshi Shinso. However, the class does lose Yuga Aoyama, as he decides to quit U.A.

The spoiler also shows Izuku Midoriya with a new hairstyle, though it would later be revealed in a conversation with Uraraka that it was due to the surgery he had, and would only be temporary. However, there is one piece of good news though, as though many were unsure of whether Deku would still be able to continue being a hero, given the uncertainty of his quirk, and him attending Class 2-A along with the rest shows promise.

Hitoshi Shinso (My Hero Academia- Chapter 425)
Hitoshi Shinso (My Hero Academia- Chapter 425)

The spoiler for Chapter 245 also showed Fumikage Tokoyami with a new hairdo, which might stick on longer than Midoriya’s. However, there are still some doubts on whether this is truly the end for the series as My Hero Academia chapter 425 ends with a suspicious figure, most assuming it to be Tomura Shigaraki, walking through the rampaged streets.


Tomura Shigaraki in some cases was more terrifying than even All For One himself. Given that the plot for Shigaraki is still up for discussion, here are some of the most malicious moments of the possibly former villain.

Moments where Tomura Shigaraki was the top villain on My Hero Academia

Shigaraki (My Hero Academia- Chapter 424)
Shigaraki (My Hero Academia- Chapter 424)

Shigaraki’s confrontation with his younger self: In a heartbreaking scene, Shigaraki confronts a manifestation of his former self, Tenko Shimura, the scared child he once was. Instead of showing any empathy, Shigaraki mocks and belittles Tenko, reveling in his dominance and rejecting any connection to his past innocence. This measure of cruelty towards his own inner child shows the depth of his emotional detachment and transformation into a villain.

Shigaraki decays Oboro: This one’s chilling. During the Paranormal Liberation War arc, Shigaraki confronts Eraserhead. In a sadistic display of power, he uses his Decay quirk to disintegrate a captured Oboro Shirakumo, a past student and dear friend of Eraserhead. This is meant to inflict maximum emotional pain and serves as a dark reminder of Shigaraki’s capacity for cruelty.

Shigaraki loses himself: Perhaps the most disturbing moment comes during the final war. Shigaraki, overwhelmed by the power of All For One, starts losing himself. He viciously attacks Curious, a reluctant follower, reducing her to dust with a deranged exhilaration shown on his face. This moment blurs the lines between Shigaraki and All For One’s influence, indicating the monstrous potential that lurks within him.

You can read My Hero Academia manga on Megapolis and Viz Media’s website. The anime is available to stream on Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Netflix.

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