• Season 4 of 'The Boys' showed a significant development for Karen Fukuhara's character Kimiko Miyashiro.
  • Miyashiro's kiss with Frenchie and what happens after that was surprising, even for Fukuhara.
  • With Frenchie's brainwashing and Miyashiro's evolving journey, the future looks uncertain for the couple.

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The Boys has been a wild ride since it first appeared in 2019. The show showed a completely different side of superheroes who are there to save the day. As Season 4 ended, all eyes are now on the remaining characters who were either captured by Homelander or escaped from him for the time being.

Karen Fukuhara
Karen Fukuhara in The Boys | via Prime Video YouTube

One standout character among them has been Kimiko Miyashiro, played by Karen Fukuhara. Her journey from a mute, traumatized individual to a member of the team fighting against Homelander has been quite remarkable, especially her bond with Frenchie at the end of Season 4.

Kimiko Miyashiro’s Emotional Journey in Season 4

Kimiko Miyashiro and Frenchie in The Boys
Kimiko Miyashiro and Frenchie in The Boys | via Prime Video YouTube

The Boys Season 4 has been a game-changer for Miyashiro. After being mute for all the seasons, fans finally got to hear her speak. Karen Fukuhara shared her excitement about this moment with Variety, saying it was almost as exciting as when she got to know that she could heal in Season 1.

But the real surprise came with the kiss between Kimiko and Frenchie in the season finale. Even Fukuhara was surprised by this development of her character. While talking to TVLine, she said,

My jaw dropped because we had the kiss, and I was all ready, like, ‘Oh my god! It’s happening. Then, 10 pages later, I was like, ‘Oh no!’

Talking about the scene, Fukuhara said to TVLine that the way showrunner Eric Kripke directed and shot the moment enhanced the emotion in the scene and made it “magical” with backlit silhouettes and camera movements. Tomer Capone, who plays Frenchie also shared the appreciation for the shot and said the kiss was a big deal, not just for the characters but for the crew too. He told TVLine,

Each one [of us] said the word ‘cool’ approximately 15 times. It’s like 50 people around you, and you can hear the sounds of the, ‘Aww.’

But as it is well known by now, nothing good lasts forever in The Boys‘ universe. A few scenes after their kiss, when their team scatters after they realize Homelander is hunting them, Frenchie gets caught and brainwashed by Gen V‘s Kate, and Miyashiro screams for the first time in the show out of desperation.

What’s Next for Kimiko Miyashiro and Frenchie?

The Boys Season 4 finale
The Boys Season 4 finale | Credit: Amazon Studios

The Boys is not known for happy endings, and things are looking not so great for the pair. Frenchie’s brainwashing could turn him into an antagonist, which might force Miyashiro to face off against her loved one. Frenchie might play an important role in Season 5, especially after all the redemption arc he went through in Season 4.

Fukuhara is hopeful but realistic. She told in the TVLine interview that she is aware of the reputation of The Boys and she is expecting a “roller coaster of emotions happening” in Season 5, but she is still hoping for a happy ending for her character. 

However, on a lighter note, Fukuhara shared her dream death scene for her character at San Diego Comic-Con while talking to TV Guide. Although she was initially reluctant, she eventually admitted,

I want like the Arya Stark moment, you know, when she defeats the White Walker and nobody expected that. So perhaps maybe Homelander can be taken out by Kimiko. I don’t know, that would be a good death, like if I’m going to take him out, I would be willing to die.

It will be interesting to see whether Miyashiro gets her happy ending with Frenchie or dies in glory fighting against Homelander. In the world of The Boys, anything can happen and usually does.

The Boys Season 4 is now streaming on Prime Video.

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