Naruto is a complex web of narratives set in a fictional world that is wildly different from the real world. There is not much that one will find relatable with the ninja protagonist, Naruto Uzumaki. However, there is one thing that has always been relatable. Broke life hits differently when even Naruto, who becomes a Hokage, has been defeated by money problems.

Naruto's Gama chan
Naruto struggles financially even after being a Hokage (Credits: Pierrot)

Despite being a Hokage, Naruto has only gotten more broke with time. Naruto had money issues since he was a young kid and could not even afford a bowl of ramen. It has been a question in the Narutoverse for several years now as to why Naruto grew up so poor despite having inherited his parent’s fortune. Although Naruto was entrusted to Jiraiya, Hiruzen, and Kakashi by Minato and Kushina, he was given monthly allowances that barely got him through a month.

Fans On X Come Up With Reasons As To Why Naruto Is Still Broke

Naruto struggles financially
Naruto struggling to make ends meet (Credits: Pierrot)

An X user, @NANA_Y4W, posted a side-by-side picture of Naruto’s iconic toad coin pouch, one which is relatively fuller than the other with the question of how Naruto has more money problems now, even though he is a Hokage. 

In a hilarious response to the post, X users stated that the probable reason behind his financial issues is that he has become a family man now and that raising a family is expensive. Another X user posted that perhaps the show wanted to portray the fact that when he was younger, he did not have anyone to spend money on, but now he has a family to raise so that’s where his money goes.

It is undoubtedly laughable to think that someone of Naruto’s reputation shares something in common with a broke college student. Despite being in a powerful position like a Hokage, Naruto remains humble and grounded.

Why Did No One Take Care Of Naruto After His Parents Died?

A young Naruto (Credits: Pierrot)

The Village’s welfare system takes care of Naruto; he gets a monthly stipend that pays for rent and food. But really, it’s just food and rent. Naruto is frequently seen being frugal since, as an orphan living on a meager income, he rarely has spare cash for frivolities. Since he is technically extremely poor, going out to eat is a huge treat for him.

Naruto’s parents perished in the Nine Tails’ attack, thus the Third Hokage set this up. Naruto was probably living in a group home with other children until he was allowed to live by himself because the attack left many orphans. He is supposed to be independent by the beginning of the show, and he is going to learn ninjitsu, which, if he is good at it, will lead to a lucrative profession.

Because Naruto is a Jinchuriki and has no living relatives to turn to, the village and the Third Hokage are essentially forced to keep Naruto close by and under protection. Both of Naruto’s parents perished in the Nine-Tails attack, wiping out their home and surroundings.

Hence, this is why the village provides for Naruto until he can start working as a Ninja.

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