Controversies around the Royal Family member Meghan Markle don’t seem to stop anytime soon. The Duchess of Sussex has once again fallen into the limelight as the royal reporter and author Martin Robinson issued in his work for the latest Daily Mail that Meghan Markle is working hard so as to maximize her income and nothing will get in her way. 

Mr. Robinson issues his observations about Meghan Markle where he expressed the unacceptable and selfish behavior of the Royal Duchess towards making money with the help of controversies and bizarre statements about the Royal Family.

Meghan Markle won’t let “money windfall die down”

Martin Robinson, who has written numerous issues for the news giants including the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph, and The Sun, has reportedly released his new Daily Mail issue where he clearly indicated the fact that Meghan Markle has reportedly been working around the clock to maximize her income following the HRH title snub by King Charles.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

“Royal experts have argued that the timing of the release is significant – and could be a hint that a PR blitz is coming ahead of the release of Harry’s memoirs and their Netflix show,” he added in his opening statement.

Mr. Robinson asserted, “Now back in California, the Sussexes have definitely resolved to go for broke,” citing investigative writer Tom Bower.

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Meghan Markle wants to be the ‘Power couple’

New portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are an attempt to make them look like a ‘power couple’ amid turmoil in the Royal Family and were deliberately released soon after Buckingham palace published an image of the new ‘Fab Four’: King Charles, Queen Consort Camilla, and the Prince and Princess of Wales.

Meghan Markel seems so confident
Meghan Markel exudes an air of supreme self-assurance while she speaks.

While continuing his observation of Markle, Mr. Robinson added, “These photos are the beginning of their renewed campaign to launch Harry’s book, the Netflix series, and other lucrative appearances to re-establish their brand.”

Also read: Meghan Markle Was Obsessed With Exposing Kate Middleton For Her Rude Behaviour, Allegedly Lied In Oprah Winfrey Interview To Ruin Kate Middleton’s Public Image

Meghan Markle will not cease to criticize the Royal Family

Kate Middleton, Prince William, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the Windsor walkabout ceremony
An estranged reunion

Also Read: Oprah Winfrey’s $2.6B Career Comes Crashing Down: Meghan Markle’s Half-Sister Samantha Wants Her To Answer For Infamous Royal Family Interview That Damaged Her Reputation

Mark Robinson says, “In the end, Meghan’s sight is fixed on maximizing her income and nothing will get in her way. Without any sympathy for Charles and the Royal family, they are now set on promoting themselves and earning their living.”

I expect more critical interviews and Podcasts showing an uncompromising attitude towards the Royal Family.” Mr. Robinson claimed. According to him, Meghan Markle is not concerned about anything but only money making with the help of the Royal family. With the attention she gets from the people, she is set to turn it for her own good, even if it means sullying the name of the Royal family.

Source: Geo News

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