No Sith Lord Can Compare to 1 Dark Jedi that Can Make the Most Haunting Villain of Star Wars
Star Wars has been captivating fans for years, and since the franchise released its first film, fans have experienced some of the most ruthless and formidable foes in the universe. However, the reintroduction of a notable Dark Jedi will let fans forget every villainous character they have witnessed in Star Wars so far.

Seems like the franchise is set to bring Dark Jedi Master Volfe Karkko into its canon. Even though the Sith Lords aren’t considered the worst guys in Star Wars, they are still regarded as the mean characters operating against the Jedis. And if Star Wars reintroduces Volfe Karkko into the official stories, he will turn out to be the most villainous character ever.
Dark Jedi Master Volfe Karkko Might Overshadow Every Villain in Star Wars

Volfe Karkko was a learned Anzati Jedi Master who transformed into a Sith magician. This character might become a significant character in the universe if Star Wars decides to reintroduce Volfe in its official stories. And if this happens, he will likely overshadow every single Sith Lord (who operates on the darker side). Volfe has incredible powers and is a highly skilled magician who considers himself the natural predatory instinct of his species.
The existence of the Anzati species in the canon, through Star Wars Helmet Collection magazine, hints at the potential return for Volfe Karkko. This will help him enter the official narrative of the franchise without creating much confusion among fans. Though the magazine hasn’t confirmed that Anzati was meant to be Karkko, it does highlight the possibility and a chance for Volfe to transform himself into the official and ruthless foe.
As the Anzati are easily able to suck the life force of others, this power when used by Volfe against the Jedis, will likely change the story of Star Wars to a great level.
How Can Volfe Karkko Enter The Official Star Wars Canon?
Since it hasn’t been confirmed how Volfe will enter the official Star Wars canon, there lies a potential for him to be reintroduced through the Clone War. Being one of the most diabolical villains, Volfe was imprisoned for quite a long time. This might lead him to operate more flawlessly against the Jedis like Luke Skywalker played Mark Hamill in The Mandalorian or Rey.

However, Volfe Karkko was a part of the non-canonical Star Wars, before Disney acquired Lucasfilm. So, his story is still not considered a part of the official Star Wars canon, fans should wait for the official announcement about the Dark Jedi, whether stepping in as the formidable foe or not.