In the ever-evolving world of anime and manga, titles come and go like the passing of a season. However, once in a while, a series arises amidst the rest and captivates the minds and hearts of the readers. One such sensation is Kagurabachi, thanks to a viral anime meme that swept through TikTok and other social media platforms.

Kagurabachi Chapter 4
Kagurabachi Chapter 4 | VIZ Media

Written and illustrated by Hokazono Takeru, Kagurabachi has taken the manga industry by storm, after it started serialization on September 19, 2023, as part of the second wave of releases under Issue #42, 2023 of Weekly Shounen Jump. With a single chapter, it managed to garner the attention of countless readers and viewers.

Another Mysterious Figure Is Linked To The Goldfish

Ryokuhira Kunishige and the goldfish
Ryokuhira Kunishige talking to the goldfish | VIZ Media

In chapter #4 of Kagurabachi, the fight between Chihiro Rokuhira and the sorcerer reveals a lot about the protagonist’s power. As Chihiro unsheathes his katana, a mysterious black goldfish appears behind him. Although Char looked stunned at the sight, Shiba explained that the enchanted katana enhances a person’s spirit energy and allows it to take the form of a shape unique to the wielder.

In a rare interview with Hokazono Takeru, courtesy of Asahi, he revealed that he initially planned to go with koi fish instead of the goldfish, but ultimately settled with the iconic goldfish because of its central relationship with Chihiro’s father. He explained:

I really intended to go with Koi until the last minute, but when finalizing the storyboard, I realized that goldfish would be easier to symbolize the daily life between Chihiro and his father.

Also Read: “You often see an exaggerated version of Japan”: Kagurabachi Creator Reveals Why He Uses Goldfish in His Series After Growing Up Watching Hollywood Movies

An X user, @ShadzMangaOnly, proposed a theory stating that the person who gave Chihiro’s father the goldfish will be revealed as someone who belongs with the Hishaku and this revelation will solve the question of how they managed to pinpoint Rokuhira or get past the Kamunabi.

If this theory does come true, it could potentially affect Chihiro’s power and would eventually lead to the character’s internal struggle. Moreover, it points towards the fact that there is another mysterious figure linked to the goldfish who might be introduced later.

What Makes Kagurabachi So Fascinating?

Rohukira Kunishige
Ryokuhira Kunishige forging a katana | VIZ Media

Kagurabachi is a story wrapped in intrigue, inviting readers into a world steeped in tradition. Chihiro Rokuhira, the protagonist, is not the typical shonen hero with his guns ablaze and ready to upturn the world. Raised by his father, Kunishige Rokuhira, the best swordsmith of their time, Chihiro learns the art of forging katana from a true master.

However, Chihiro’s idyllic life with his father is disrupted when Kunishige Rokuhira is brutally killed and Chihiro’s world shatters before his eyes. Left with a heavy heart, and his father’s last creation – the seventh katana – he embarks on a path of revenge.

Also Read: “There were a lot of movies”: Masashi Kishimoto Shares One Obsession with Hokazono Takeru That Inspired Both Naruto and Kagurabachi

The manga unfolds Chihiro wields his father’s last swords, each a testament to Kunishige’s renowned craftsmanship. Readers are thrown into a universe where the clash of steel and the hunger for justice echoes with every swing of the katana. The mangaka does not shy away from violence and the art style is mesmerizing, to say the least.

As the story evolves, readers will get closer to the truth behind Chihiro’s father’s untimely death. Chihiro’s unwavering love for his father and his steadfast determination to learn the truth about the horrible event that took Kunishige’s life are what motivate him to seek revenge, and the readers will follow the protagonist on his bloodstained journey to find justice.

You can read Kagurabachi on VIZ Media and MANGA Plus by Shueisha.

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