One of the most loved animated comedy-drama movies Ratatouille is the eighth movie produced by Pixar and was written and directed by Brad Bird. The title is a nod to a French dish called Ratatouille which also refers to the young rat named Remy, who dreams of becoming a chef at Auguste Gusteau’s. Actor Patton Oswalt voices Remy in the movie, who forms an unlikely alliance with Alfredo Linguini to achieve his goal.

REMY and LINGUINI in Ratatouille | Pixar Animation Studios

The movie upon release became the sixth highest-grossing film of 2007, as it went on to receive critical acclaim for its screenplay, animation, humor, background score, and performances by the voice actors. Ratatouille’s success was followed by its winning the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature at the 80th Academy Awards. Eagle-eyed fans pointed out one minute of detail from the movie that justifies the movie’s win for Best Animated Feature.

Pixar’s 2007 Ratatouille featured real food magazines

Ratatouille remains one of the most beloved animated features, showcasing the partnership between a young rat named Remy, who aspires to be a chef and Alfredo Linguni. Linguini, voiced by actor Lou Romano, is introduced to the audience as the hapless garbage boy of the restaurant who is also the illegitimate son of the late Chef Auguste Gusteau.

The movie became one of the favorites for its exceptional animation, humor, and feel, as well as the fact that it had delectable-looking food in it, which left the fans impressed. Over the years, the movie has become known to be one of the modern classics that is enjoyed by not only children but also adults who love food.

The magazines featured in Ratatouille were with real titles | Pixar Animation Studios

Eagle-eyed fans have noted that the movie begins by telling the viewers how famous Chef Gusteau was across the world, his name and face were showcased in various magazines. Fans noticed that the magazines that appeared in the sequence had real titles.

Business Insider noted that magazines with titles like Cuisine at Home and Bon Appétit are some of the most renowned food magazines that fans know about. The magazine cover was very finely detailed with lines and barcodes with prices on them. This fine detail might have skipped a lot of viewers but didn’t skip food lovers who appreciate the hard work of the makers behind this. It also suggests that the studios wanted to give the movie a more realistic feel which worked really well.

Another detail that was mentioned was how accurate the reflections and shadows the characters have throughout the movie are on windows, metal pots, water, and more. This accuracy and effort given to a movie by Pixar Animation Studios simply justifies why the movie is one of the most beloved animated movies and why it won Best Animated Feature at the Academy Awards.

Patton Oswalt reveals he became friends with the late Anthony Bourdain while filming Ratatouille

Back in March, while promoting his movie Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, actor Patton Oswalt shared in an interview on Watch What Happens Live about his friendship with now-late chef and author Anthony Bourdain. He said,

I became friends with him because he was a huge fan of Ratatouille. He was like, ‘They got kitchens and chefs right. It’s very, very accurate.’

Patton Oswalt voice Remy the rat in Ratatouille | Pixar Animation Studios

Oswalt also mentioned that when he and his wife were traveling to Paris, he reached out to the Bourdain for recommendations. The actor said the chef wrote back to him in a paragraph that listed how they should just walk in anywhere, wander around, and let everything happen. Oswalt shared with Andy Cohen,

We found out very quickly that it works great if you’re Anthony Bourdain. But if you’re me, you need to call ahead and make reservations. You’re not getting in anywhere. But he meant well. Very passionate and from the heart.

The famous chef and author passed away in 2018 by *uicide while on location in France and filming for Parts Unknown.

Ratatouille is available to stream on Disney+.

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