James Cameron-directed Titanic is one of the greatest Hollywood movies of all time. It was released on the 19th of December 1997. Titanic is a fiction built out of a real story of the sinking of the great ship RMS Titanic in 1912, which tells the tale of two lovers, Rose and Jack. Jack was played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Rose was played by Kate Winslet in the movie. It was the most expensive movie ever made back in 1997. It was also the first ever movie to reach the billion-dollar mark and became the highest-grossing movie at that time.

Jack and Rose from Titanic
Jack and Rose from Titanic

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Rose is an aristocratic young woman who was engaged to Cal Hockley. Jack on the other hand was a young artist and got on the ship through his luck in poker. They both developed strong feelings for each other but their story eventually ends in tragedy as Jack dies after the sinking of the Titanic.

The debate about whether Jack could have survived on that tiny door

During the climax of the movie, as the ship heads straight down to the bottom of the ocean, Jack and Rose can find a door that could keep one of them afloat. Jack gets Rose on top of the door and tries to climb on but the door turns over instead. Here’s where the arguments come in. People have argued in the past that if Rose had crawled to the corner of the door, there would have been enough room for Jack to climb on and also keep the door afloat. People have argued over this countless times in the past.

Jack and Rose
Jack and Rose

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Throughout the movie, Jack told Rose to not give up and when the time came, he gave up instantly.

James Cameron uses science to end the decades-long debate

Titanic’s director has finally put an end to this debate once and for all. In a recent interview, Cameron said, “We have done a scientific study to put this whole thing to rest and drive a stake through its heart once and for all.” He further explained the study and revealed the details about it. He said, “We have since done a thorough forensic analysis with a hypothermia expert who reproduced the raft from the movie and we’re going to do a little special on it that comes out in February.

James Cameron
James Cameron

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Cameron explained that he put two stunt people under the experiment and tried to recreate the conditions of the North Atlantic. He concluded, “the answer was, there was no way they both could have survived. Only one could survive.

2022 marked the 25th anniversary of the movie Titanic. To celebrate this, Disney will be re-releasing the movie on an international level starting February 10, 2023.

Source: Geo TV