Sir Patrick Stewart is a legendary actor in Hollywood. Known for his iconic portrayal of Captain Jean Luc-Picard in Star Trek: Next Generation. Picard and in turn, Stewart are celebrated figures among fans of the fans of the elaborate multimedia franchise.

The viewers often get excited over the trivial details of their favorite characters. And there is not a lot that misses the fans’s eagle eyes. There was one discrepancy in Picard’s character arc that the fans pointed out. Stewart covered the problem by making a joke about it as an attempt to cover his one flaw as an actor.

Patrick Stewart as Jean Luc-Picard

Patrick Stewart in Star Trek
Patrick Stewart as Jean Luc-Picard in Star Trek

Jean Luc-Picard is one of the most beloved characters in the Star Trek universe. Patrick Stewart‘s incredible acting prowess and seamless portrayal of the character made the character all the more appealing. The audience first met Picard in the pilot episode of Star Trek: Next Generation in 1987. Since then the character has been a common occurrence in several of the franchise’s projects.

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Patrick Stewart in Star Trek
Patrick Stewart as Jean Luc-Picard in Star Trek

Out of the many fascinating details of Stewart’s Star Trek character, there is one that has always caused heated discussions. Picard’s accent has always inspired a lot of intrigue as the character originally is a Frenchman, but speaks in a distinct British accent. It is certainly not lost on fans that Stewart himself being British is the primary reason, but that does not necessarily make sense from a character point of view.

Even as strange as it may seem, the Logan actor has an explanation for the discrepancy.

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Patrick Stewart on French Picard’s English Accent

Patrick Stewart
Patrick Stewart

Even though Picard was born in France, he lacked a distinguishing accent. Now canonically, French was considered an archaic language in the futuristic show. But Picard borrowed certain words and phrases from his mother tongue like some children’s songs in French and often cursed in French in times of stress. This plays into the fact that humans revert to their first language while being emotionally expressive.

Picard’s French accent in his dialogues would have emphasized the Starfleet captain’s origins but that never came to be.

Patrick Stewart as Jean Luc-Picard in Star Trek
Patrick Stewart as Jean Luc-Picard in Star Trek

This was mainly because even after being as skilled as he is, Patrick Stewart could not do a convincing French accent. So instead of butchering the sound of the language of love, Stewart chose to play the character in his British accent.

To make sense of things, Stewart offered an explanation of Picard’s accent. The actor joked how Picard must have had an English nanny, causing him to speak the way he does.

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Source: IMDB

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