One of the many characteristics associated with Paul Rudd is his ability to not look younger than his age throughout his career. The Internet has definitely jumped on the chances of him being an immortal being, and made several jokes at that too. Many believe that the actor maintains the same look now, in his 50’s, compared to when he first started acting in the 1990’s.


Interview With Stephen Colbert

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Paul Rudd used to make fake ID’s for his friends and himself when he was in high school

In a recent interview with Stephen Colbert, Paul Rudd revealed that his acting skills and his misleading age helped him with a fake id situation during high school. He reflected back on the time when he made fake ID’s back in high school, which was only a passable attempt at best. Considering the circumstances it went way better than it should have.


Recollecting the Fake ID incident

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Paul Rudd appeared in a recent interview with Stephen Colbert

“I just had this memory, when I was in high school I made a fake ID. I was so dumb I put my height at 5’12”,” Rudd explained. He revealed that he made the fake ID’s for all his friends with the help of a typewriter. “I even messed up and put white-out on something, then typed another thing. You could hold it up and you can see the white-out. I took a copy of the state seal of Florida — a black-and-white, like Xeroxed copy — put it on the back, just the state seal.” Paul Rudd continued, remembering the good ol’ days. “We were all nervous, we went to some bar, gave it to the bouncer. The guy was like ‘come on.’ Then the owner of the place comes over, he looks at it, he flips it over, he says, ‘What, there’s a state seal, it’s real!'”


Paul Rudd’s Current Plans

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Rudd’s Scott Lang came up with the idea of time travel in Avengers: Endgame

It’s definitely a memorable and humorous story, considering his close call with a fake ID. But something more memorable would definitely be his role as Scott Lang in the recent Avengers: Endgame. The actor will return in a third Ant-Man movie, so his return to the big screen is not too far.

Source: Comicbook, Mashable



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