The gaming industry, like Hollywood, can be pretty overbearing at times. With instances of stalking and mean comments on social media, actors and game creators often face unnecessary negativity from the masses. Along these lines, the face of Mary Jane in the superhit Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2, Stephanie Tyler Jones recently became the victim of stalking and hateful comments.

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Stephanie Tyler Jones Addresses Stalking

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 video Game
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Being in a game as famous and beloved as Spider-Man 2 must have been an exhilarating experience for all face models and voice actors. However, when such disheartening instances of stalking and harassment come forward, the actors are forced to rethink their experience and address the issue in public. Stephanie Tyler Jones, who lends her face to the popular Mary Jane character in the Spider-Man 2 game, recently received phone calls at her workplace from people who demanded to meet her in person.

“Messages will not be answered. I will block you if you make me feel uncomfortable and you can unfollow me if this disappoints you.”

Stephanie Tyler Jones via Instagram
Stephanie Tyler Jones via Instagram

Seeing how they got their hands on such information, including her contact, Jones felt incredibly uncomfortable and even unsafe in her workplace. She believed that it was important to address this issue head-on and made a post on social media to urge her fans to not cross boundaries. Moreover, Jones requested her followers not to text her about her Mary Jane role or about the game as she has moved on from that role and is now working in skincare.

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Other Instances of Online Harassment

A screenshot of MJ from Marvel's Spider-Man.
Stephanie Tyler Jones as Mary Jane in Spider-Man 2

Seems like Jones is not the first person to receive threatening messages or hateful comments on social media. Various Twitch streamers and other voice actors involved in high-profile games face stalking and negative behaviors that force us to take a long, hard look at the widespread impact of social media on our daily lives.

Even big celebrities such as Taylor Swift, Robert Pattinson, and Lindsay Lohan have been subjected to stalking and threats on social media. This dark side of the internet makes people shiver in their boots. We hope people take note of Jones’ request and let her lead a life of peace.

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