Don’t get alarmed causes kinks are on the rise. Given modern technology, people are frequently requesting companies behind adult toys to replicate iconic celebrities by incorporating humanoid features and warm silicon skin. After watching the Netflix hit series The Crown, people seem to have turned into raunchy royalists, seeking s*x toys replicating Princess Diana, Kate Middleton, and Meghan Markle. 

Princess Diana
People want Princess Diana’s s*x doll replica

No matter how horrifying it sounds, the leading s*x toy company Inferno revealed the kinky requests of its customers. Sending shockwaves through the world, the company’s CEO opened up about the leading requests for the Royal ladies. However, calling himself a royalist, CEO Ben Stroud, firmly denied satisfying the indecent requests of their customers. 

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Inferno Inundated With Raunchy Royal Dolls Request

It is shocking to know the kinky royalists out there have been fascinating the Royal lady, Princess Diana in her s*xual form. Thus, with the desire to physically engage with Princess Diana, people are flooding the leading adult toy company Inferno, with requests of creating a s*x doll with Lady Diana’s likeness. But it’s not just her who the punters are looking to engage in a s*x doll treatment with. There’s also her daughters-in-law, Kate Middleton, and Meghan Markle

Princess Diana
People requesting s*x dolls of the royal ladies

Inferno’s CEO Ben Stroud, calling himself a royalist, opened up about the shocking requests of customers demanding raunchy royal dolls. Opening up to South West News Service, Stroud mentioned, “We get requests for Princess Diana regularly, especially after the latest series of ‘The Crown,’”. Revealing his decision, the CEO stated, “But we would never open ourselves up to accusations of cheapening her memory,” 

Princess Diana
Ben Stroud honors Princess Diana’s memories

Firmly denying the requests, Ben Stroud stated, “If we were just motivated by money, we would create Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton dolls”. Without denying the fact that turning the Duchesses into s*x dolls would “see through sales who is the most popular” Stroud confirmed never fulfilling those indecent kinky requests. Maintaining the unadulterated memory of Princess Diana and protecting the dignity of the Duchesses, Ben Stroud mentioned preventing those requests to be fulfilled.  

Also read: While Meghan Markle Is Busy Defaming Royal Family, Kate Middleton Honors Princess Diana By Wearing Her Iconic Emerald Choker During US Visit

Iconic Celebrities Demanded By Kinky Customers

With the rise in kinks of humans and advancement in technology, companies like Inferno are being able to keep up with the requests. However, facing weird and indecent requests like turning the Royal ladies into s*x dolls, Ben Stroud mentioned having requests of turning Tom Hardy into one.

Tom Hardy
Tom Hardy’s s*x doll replicas are highly demanded

We get so many requests for a Tom Hardy doll, from men and women, and all over the world” Stroud mentioned clarifying, the company hasn’t made any Hardy dolls yet. They have also received requests for replicating Tupac, however, Stroud mentioned, not fulfilling those requests either, to maintain the honor and dignity of the celebrity. 

Inferno mentioned working alongside p*rn stars to create their lookalike dolls, like that of the adult actor Thor Johnson. Creating Johnson’s replica as the company’s best-selling product, Inferno claims to be the world’s largest silicon s*x doll manufacturing company. With costs of custom-made kinky dolls starting from $1000, to rent the dolls for $750 for three days, the company makes great revenue and even helps satisfy the needs of their customers. 

Read more: “She Is Reminiscent Of Princess Diana”: Expert Finds Out Big Similarity Between Kate Middleton And Princes Diana After Middleton’s Submissive Gesture During Conversation

Source: Marca

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